How to Embed Your Instagram Feed on WordPress (Easiest Way)

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How to Embed Your Instagram Feed on WordPress (Easiest Way)

How to Embed Your Instagram Feed on WordPress

Want to learn how to embed Instagram feeds on WordPress the easy way?

Cross-promoting your Instagram posts on your website helps you reach tons of people and keep them engaged. But directly embedding Instagram content into WordPress sites can be tough.

The good news?

Using our 10+ years of social media marketing expertise, we’ll show you how to embed your Instagram feed on WordPress.

Just follow this guide you can grow your audience and increase sales for your business using Instagram.

Since we’ll cover different methods, here’s a table of contents to help you find what you need:

Ready? Let’s get started!

Why Embed Instagram Feeds in WordPress?

Displaying an Instagram feed on your WordPress website has lots of benefits. It gives your website visitors a chance to see your latest Instagram posts. Plus, it adds dynamic content to your site.

Here are a few ways you can use Instagram feeds on your website to engage your audience:

  • Show an Instagram feed of product reviews from customers to increase product sales easily.
  • Add an Instagram hashtag feed of relevant content to your site to keep visitors engaged and let them stay for longer.
instagram hashtag feed example
  • Display an Instagram feed of user-generated content to serve as positive social proof for your brand so you can drive more sales to your business.
  • Have video testimonials for your business? Embedding Instagram video testimonials on your WordPress can encourage your site visitors to buy from you.
  • You can also improve your SEO when you embed Instagram feeds on your website. Since the feeds are crawled and indexed by Google, they provide relevant content to boost your website’s rankings.

How to Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress (Easy Way)

If you try to embed Instagram feeds without a plugin, you’ll have to deal with embed code, custom HTML, JavaScript, Custom CSS, or other coding languages.

On top of being complicated, this can take a lot of time.

The solution? You can embed an Instagram feed into WordPress using the Instagram Feed Pro plugin from Smash Balloon.

best instagram feed pro plugin

As the highest-rated Instagram feed plugin for WordPress, it lets you display completely customizable Instagram feeds on your site in just minutes – no need to touch a single line of code!

Simply follow a 3-step guided flow that will show you how to create, customize, and embed Instagram feeds.

You can then engage your visitors with content from your Instagram profile, hashtags, mentions, reels, videos, and more.

instagram feed landing page example

Since the plugin automatically copies your site’s design, your feeds will look great right out of the box. This way, your feeds look consistent with your brand’s design, with minimal effort on your part.

The best part? Since the plugin’s built with users in mind, it’s designed to be ultra fast. That’s why the pro version of Instagram Feed is trusted and happily recommended by over 1 million users worldwide!

reviews instagram feed pro plugin

As you can see, Instagram Feed Pro is the best WordPress Instagram plugin if you want to display engaging posts on your site.

How to Embed Your Instagram Feed on WordPress

Just follow the step-by-step guide below, and you can start engaging your website visitors with a beautiful Instagram feed:

Step 1: Install and Activate Instagram Feed Pro

To start using this plugin, get your copy of Instagram Feed Pro here and download it to your computer.

Then, install and activate it on your WordPress website. If you’re not familiar with how to do that, you can follow the instructions for how to install a WordPress plugin here.

Step 2: Create a New Instagram Feed

The next step is to create a new Instagram feed for your site. To do that, head to the Instagram Feed » All Feeds menu from the WordPress admin area.

create new feed instagram feed pro

Next, you can choose the type of Instagram feed you want to embed. You get 3 options to pick from here:

  • User Timeline: Show photos and videos that you’ve posted on your Instagram profile
  • Public Hashtag: Display Instagram posts with your chosen hashtags
  • Tagged Posts: Embed posts where other Instagram users have tagged you

Plus, you can even select multiple options and create a feed that combines different feed types.

To continue, just select the feed types that you prefer and click on Next.

For our tutorial, I’ll go with a user timeline but the process is the same for each option.

select your feed type instagram feed pro

Step 3: Connect Your Feed to Instagram

To show Instagram posts on your website, you can add an Instagram account to your website first.

Since Instagram Feed Pro asks for read-only access to your account, the plugin can only view your content and won’t be able to make any changes.

As a result, Smash Balloon is safe to use.

First, click on the Add Source button to get started with connecting your feed to Instagram.

instagram add source for feed

After that, you can pick between a Basic Instagram account or a Business account:

  • Basic: Use Instagram feeds to show content from your Instagram profile
  • Business: Unlock additional feed types like hashtag feeds, mentions feeds, and more

I’ll pick the basic account for this guide.

instagram select account type

To continue, you can confirm that you want to connect your Instagram account by clicking on the Allow button.

allow read only access instagram

The plugin will now bring you back to your site so you can connect your Instagram account as the source for your feed.

To do that, just click on the Next button.

confirm account as source for instagram feed

Just like that, you’ve created a new feed and connected it to Instagram.

The great thing about this Instagram aggregator is that your feed will automatically inherit the design of your WordPress theme and perfectly suit your website.

Step 4: Customize Your Instagram Feed

Ready to create a beautiful Instagram feed?

To get started, you can simply import a pre-designed theme for your Instagram feed. You have 5 different themes to choose from:

  • Default
  • Modern
  • Social Wall
  • Outline
  • Overlap

After you select a theme, click on Next to continue.

select your instagram theme

Next, you can import a template to quickly change the layout of the Instagram posts and header on your site.

Like before, select a template from the options and then click on Next.

instagram select your template

Once you import a theme and template, you can use the live feed editor to customize it.

Here, you can find all of your customization options on the left side. Using these options, you can change the feed layout, color scheme, post style, header design, load more buttons, follow button, and much more.

live feed editor for instagram feed pro

Towards the right, you can see a live preview of your Instagram feed. You can see all the changes you make in real-time here.

While there are a ton of options here, usually, I start by changing the layout of the posts.

Select the Feed Layout option from the left to do that.

select feed layout options live feed editor

For your Instagram feed, there are 4 options that you can pick from: Grid, Carousel, Masonry, and Highlight.

feed layout options instagram feed pro

The first option is the grid layout, which shows Instagram posts in rows and columns. Plus, all of your posts are cropped to the same size, so they look clean and uniform.

With this layout, you can show lots of Instagram content on your site at once.

grid layout for your instagram feed

To add an Instagram feed slider to WordPress, you can click on the carousel option here.

It’s a great way to give website visitors another way to interact with your site.

carousel layout for your instagram feed

After that, you have the masonry layout, which shows Instagram posts in different columns.

You can use this layout to embed photo feeds and video feeds with their original proportions.

masonry feed layout for your instagram feed

Finally, there’s the highlight option which can show a beautiful Instagram gallery where the posts are more visible.

In fact, you can increase the size of your photos and videos by 4 times with this layout.

highlights layout for your instagram feed

Once you pick your layout option, click on Save.

To proceed, click on the small Customize button and go back to the main customization options.

return to main customization options

Now, select the Color Scheme option on the left so you can customize the colors of your WordPress Instagram feed.

select color scheme option live feed editor instagram

For the color scheme, you can choose from 4 different options:

  • Inherit from Theme: Copy the colors of your website for your Instagram feed
  • Light: Show an Instagram feed with a lighter background and dark font color
  • Dark: Pick a darker background and a light font color for your feed
  • Custom: Manually select all the colors of your Instagram feed yourself
color scheme options instagram feed pro

After picking your color scheme, click on the Save button.

Just like this, you can customize the rest of your Instagram feed using the live feed editor. You’ve got options to change your post layout, template, header style, button design, lightbox, and much more.

Once you’re done with the customization, remember to save changes by clicking on Save.

Step 5: Embed Instagram Feed on Your WordPress Website

Embedding your Instagram feed in WordPress is pretty straightforward using this plugin.

In fact, there are 2 ways you can embed your Instagram feed:

  • Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress Page
  • Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress Sidebar or Footer

How to Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress Page

First, let’s see how you can display Instagram feeds on a page of your WordPress site.

To begin, click on the Embed button in the top right corner.

instagram click on the embed button

You’ll now see a popup that asks you to choose where you want to embed your Instagram feed. There’s also your Instagram feed shortcode that you can copy to embed feeds on your WordPress posts.

To continue, select Add to a Page here.

add instagram feed to page instagram feed pro

After that, just select the WordPress page from the list and click on Add.

add instagram feed to a wordpress page

This will open the page in the WordPress editor. Now click the Plus (+) icon to add a new WordPress content block.

add new wordpress block

After that, enter “Instagram” in the search bar and then click on the Instagram Feed block from the search results.

embed instagram feed page

Now click on the Publish button to save your new Instagram feed.

With that, you’ve added an Instagram feed to your WordPress website. To see how it looks, you can open your site and see.

example of instagram feed wordpress

Now, let’s check out the other way to embed Instagram feeds on your website.

How to Embed Instagram Feed on WordPress Sidebar or Footer

You also get a built-in Instagram widget that you can use to add your feeds to the sidebar or footer areas.

To embed your Instagram feed as a widget, first, open it in the live feed editor. For that, you can go to Instagram Feed » All Feeds from your WordPress dashboard.

Here, click on your Instagram feed from earlier.

select your instagram feed

This will open your feed in the live feed editor once again.

To embed your Instagram feed to WordPress, select the Embed button at the top.

instagram click on the embed button

On the new popup, you can choose where to embed your Instagram feed. Just select the Add to a Widget option to continue.

add instagram feed to widget instagram feed proadd instagram feed to widget instagram feed pro

This will open the Widgets page of your website.

To add the Instagram feed to your sidebar, just click on the Sidebar panel on this page.

open sidebar panel to embed social media widget

You can also click on a Footer panel instead if you want to embed your Instagram feed there.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the sidebar to embed an Instagram feed.

open footer panel to embed social media widget

Now, you can see the active widgets on your sidebar or footer area. To add a new widget, click on the plus icon (+) here.

Finally, select the Instagram Feed widget from the options.

add instagram widget to your sidebar

Click on Update to save your changes, and you’ve now embedded your Instagram feed to a widget-ready area of your site.

When you navigate to the front of your website, you can see how it looks.

how to embed instagram feed on wordpress sidebar or footer

Want to learn more about how to embed Instagram feed on WordPress sidebar or footer?

Check out this helpful tutorial on how to add an Instagram widget to your WordPress website.

How to Embed an Instagram Hashtag Feed

So far, we’ve discussed adding a standard feed to WordPress to highlight your embedded Instagram posts.

But as we touched upon earlier, Instagram Feed Pro can do a whole lot more. And that includes allowing you to embed Instagram hashtag feeds on your website.

Let’s learn how to do that next.

Step 1: Create a Hashtag Instagram Feed

First of all, use your WordPress dashboard to navigate to Instagram Feed » All Feeds.

Now click on the Add New button at the top.

open instagram feed again

Then on the new page, just select the public hashtag feed type from the options.

If you want to show specific hashtags from your own Instagram posts or your tagged posts, you can select multiple feed types at once.

Once you’ve selected your feed type, click on Next.

select instagram hashtag feed

Step 2: Connect Your Hashtag Feed to Instagram

To create an Instagram hashtag feed, you can just connect it to a business account for Instagram.

Click on the Add Source button here to get started.

add source instagram feed

For a business account, you’ll see a Facebook popup where you can select your business Instagram account. Then, click on Next to continue.

connect to Instagram business

After that, you can select a Facebook page from the list that you want to connect to your website.

Then, click on the Next button to continue.

select your facebook page

Finally, you can connect your business Instagram account by clicking the Done button on the popup.

allow read only access to facebook

With that, you’ve given the plugin read-only access to your Instagram account. Like with a personal account, Instagram Feed Pro can’t make any changes and will only view your content.

Now you can just click on Add to confirm the Instagram account as a source for your feeds.

add instagram account to your feed

When creating new Instagram feeds in the future, you can just select this business account from this page.

To finish connecting your hashtag feed to Instagram, just click on the Next button.

finish connecting your site to instagram

Step 3: Add Your Hashtags

Now, you can just enter the hashtags that you want to show on your site. To add more than 1 hashtag, just use a comma to separate them.

You can also choose between showing the top (most popular posts first) or recent (newest posts first) content from Instagram.

After you’ve added the hashtags, click on Next.

enter hashtags for instagram feed

You’ve just created an Instagram hashtag feed for your website in just 3 steps.

Like before, you can now customize the design of your feed and embed it on your WordPress site.

example of instagram hashtag feed for wordpress

Want more details on how you can do this? Check out this post on how to embed an Instagram hashtag feed to your WordPress for guidance.

And if you want to display multiple Instagram feeds on your website, take a look at this tutorial.

How to Embed Instagram Posts Without a Plugin

In the past, WordPress allowed users to easily show Instagram posts without a plugin because of the oEmbeds functionality.

To embed Instagram on WordPress without plugins, you just needed to paste the link to your Instagram post, and WordPress would automatically embed it.

Sadly, WordPress discontinued oEmbeds for Instagram and Facebook on October 24, 2020.

wordpress oembed instagram

This means that if you’re not using a plugin, you can’t embed Instagram posts in WordPress by just pasting the link.

Want to add Instagram posts to WordPress the old way? Then you need to register with Facebook as an app developer.

This is time-consuming and complicated, especially when you just want to embed your Instagram posts on your website.

embed code for instagram

Plus, embedding Instagram feeds in iFrames can end up harming your site’s SEO.

The good news is that there’s a better way to do it.

Instagram Feed Pro brings back oEmbeds for Instagram and Facebook once again.

Using this plugin, you just need to paste the link to your Instagram posts. Then, your site will convert into a WordPress Instagram block and embed your post.

Simply follow steps #1, #2, and #3 above so you can install Instagram Feed Pro and connect your Instagram account.

Once you’ve successfully connected your Instagram account to the plugin, it’s time to enable oEmbeds for Instagram.

Enable oEmbeds for Instagram

First, navigate to the Instagram Feed » oEmbeds menu from your WordPress dashboard. On this page, you can enable oEmbeds for Instagram as well as Facebook.

Here, just click on the Enable button in the Instagram section.

enable instagram oembeds

All you need to do now is to confirm your Facebook account. To do that, click on the Continue button on the popup.

enable instagram oembed

Congratulations! You’ve now enabled oEmbeds for your WordPress website! Now, you can continue embedding your Instagram photos and videos to WordPress just by pasting the links.

Embed Your Instagram Posts on WordPress

First, head to your Instagram profile and find the post you’d like to embed in WordPress.

open context menu instagram

In the top right corner of the post, you’ll see 3 dots that look like this â ‡, which indicates more options for you to choose from. Click the dots and select the copy link from the menu that appears.

copy link instagram post

Next, create a new post or page in WordPress and paste the link directly into the block editor.

Since you’re using the Instagram Feed Pro plugin, WordPress will continue to automatically embed the Instagram post into the editor, so you can preview how it looks before publishing.

paste instagram link oembed

Then go ahead and publish your content to see the post live on your WordPress website. With that, you now know how to add Instagram feeds to WordPress in just a few steps.

Further Reading: How to Add Social Media Feeds to WordPress

There you have it!

In this article, you’ve learned how to embed your Instagram feed on WordPress in a few easy steps — no need for coding or access tokens.

So now, you can engage your visitors with social photo feeds, increase your Instagram followers, boost your conversions, and improve your business.

Ready to start embedding Instagram feeds? Get Smash Balloon’s Instagram Feed Pro now!

You may want to check out this next article on how to add Twitter feeds to your Elementor website.

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more social media marketing tutorials.

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Stacey Corrin

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