Instagram Feed on Your Website: 5 Examples You Can Copy
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Instagram Feed on Your Website: 5 Examples You Can Copy

Are you looking for the best Instagram feed on website examples? We’ve got your back.

As one of the fastest-growing social media platforms worldwide, cross-promoting your Instagram content on your website helps you establish brand awareness.

It’s also a great way to supercharge user engagement and skyrocket customer conversions.

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of the best Instagram feeds on website examples you can copy.

For each example, we’ve also added links to step-by-step tutorials so you can easily recreate them on your websites. Yes, even if you don’t have any coding skills.

Let’s dive in.

1. Highlight Instagram Feed

When talking about showing Instagram feeds on websites, the grid layout below is a common example.

It’s a great way to showcase your Instagram posts by organizing them into small, square-sized thumbnails, right?

Every Instagram photo has the same size, so you can show tons of pics at once and capture your audience’s attention equally.

grid layout for your instagram feed

But what if you want something more?

What if you’re an e-commerce brand that wants to display an Instagram feed where you want to highlight specific images? What if you want certain Instagram images to stand out from the feed?

Have seasonal products that you’re selling? Or time-limited sales that you’re holding?

Perhaps you have certain Instagram posts that link to your product pages when clicked, so you want to put the focus on them?

You can use Instagram Feed Pro‘s highlight layout for that. Using the highlight layout helps boost brand awareness and promote specific products or services.

layout options instagram feed pro

And the best part? This plugin easily lets you customize your Instagram feed’s layout with a drag-and-drop editor — no coding needed.

Meaning that you don’t need to manually deal with HTML code, JavaScript, or other confusing coding languages at all.

Plus, since you’re using Instagram for business, you can use the highlight layout so that specific Instagram posts on your feed will be 4x the size of the regular posts.

Yu can take a look at this quick example that I created using Instagram Feed Pro:

instagram feed on website examples highlight

To get started with adding a highlight Instagram feed on your website, check out this easy-to-follow tutorial on how to add an Instagram feed to your website.

2. Hashtag Feed

Another great example of an Instagram feed on your WordPress website is the hashtag feed.

Embedding Instagram feeds with hashtag posts is the best way to drive more sales to your business through the convincing power of positive social proof.

For example, makeup brand Fenty Beauty displays an Instagram feed of posts using their branded hashtag #FentyBeauty on their homepage.

instagram feed on website examples hashtag

Online athletic wear retailer, Fabletics, does the same thing: posting an Instagram hashtag feed on their website.

The only difference is instead of displaying it on their homepage, they created a dedicated testimonial page to showcase their user-generated content.

instagram feed on website examples hashtag

Both brands encourage their website visitors to try out their products because of 3 marketing principles:

  • Referral marketing: In addition to the website’s visitors, the branded hashtag Instagram posts can be seen by the user’s friends on Instagram as well. And considering that 90% of shoppers trust recommendations from family and friends, it’s a powerful tool that can convince prospects to try out the brand’s products.
  • Social proof: Their customers must be in love with their products and services. After all, they’re posting about them positively and posting social media reviews, right?
  • Power in numbers: The more branded hashtag posts can be seen on your Instagram hashtag feed, the more credible your brand is, the more likely they’ll trust you and do business with you.

Go ahead and learn how you can embed a hashtag feed to skyrocket your website’s sales.

You don’t even need to manually curate your Instagram hashtag posts. No need to deal with confusing embed code or custom CSS, too.

Just take a look at this helpful guide on how to add an Instagram hashtag feed to WordPress for more details.

Spoiler alert: you just need an Instagram business account and a trusted Instagram feed plugin to get started.

3. Instagram Slider Feed

Did you know that a person’s average attention span is 8 seconds?

This means that if you’re showing an Instagram feed on your website, it needs to be beautifully designed and visually engaging to capture your audience’s attention.

Otherwise, your website visitors may not even pay attention to your Instagram feed!

Worried about what to do? You don’t need to be.

When you use Instagram Feed Pro to add Instagram feeds to your website, it automatically inherits your existing theme’s design, so your feed looks consistent with your brand’s look and feel.

carousel layout instagram feed

This way, your Instagram feed looks amazingly curated — even if you’re an absolute beginner in design.

In fact, the plugin comes with Instagram feed templates that you can try out to change your layout.

For example, the carousel layout encourages your website visitors to interact with your Instagram content while still spending time on your website.

An Instagram carousel feed is a great way to boost user engagement since your website visitors can now take their time consuming your content.

The longer they stay on your WordPress website, the better it is for your site’s SEO.

And since navigation arrows are added to the slider feed, the user can just click on them to move on to the next page of the feed.

boxed instagram carousel slider example

Another great thing about this plugin is it’s automatically responsive. This means your social feeds look great on both desktop and mobile devices.

Want to know the best way to embed an Instagram carousel feed on your website using simple steps?

Learn more by following this newbie-friendly tutorial on how to add an Instagram slideshow widget to WordPress.

4. Instagram Feed Widget: Sidebar

Another great Instagram feed on website example is your Instagram sidebar widget.

Why? It’s simple. Since you embedded your Instagram feed in your sidebar area, it’s visible on all web pages of your website — as long as the sidebar is enabled.

So, the more site visitors check out your homepage, the more your real-time Instagram feed is seen by targeted traffic.

And the more your Instagram feed is exposed to a wider audience, the more likely Instagram users will follow you on Instagram. Then, they can engage with your embedded Instagram feed, without leaving your website at all.

instagram feed on website examples sidebar widget

If you’re also worried about spending lots of time and effort into making a great Instagram post, only for it to be buried because Instagram’s algorithm didn’t pick it up, you’re in luck.

Since you’re displaying your Instagram feed on your sidebar, you get to extend the “shelf-life” of the posts on your Instagram account.

Interested in trying this out for your own business? Check out this easy-to-follow post on how to add an Instagram widget to your WordPress.

5. Instagram Feed Widget: Footer

In addition to getting more Instagram followers, another benefit of embedding your Instagram feed on your website is increasing sales.

How? You need to do 2 things to make this possible:

First, learn how to create a shoppable Instagram feed here. This way, every post on your Instagram feed links to your website’s products page.

So, whenever a site visitor clicks on your embedded Instagram post, they’re automatically taken to your product catalog, where they can take their time browsing through your available products list.

Already created your shoppable Instagram feed? Great.

The next step is embedding your Instagram feed in your footer area. Here’s a quick example of a Instagram footer widget that I created using the Instagram Feed Pro plugin:

show instagram feed on your website's footer

How can you display your Instagram footer feed on your website?

Well, when you use Instagram’s platform, you can only add single posts — so adding a whole feed can be complicated, especially if you’re a WordPress newbie.

So, to make your life easier, the best way is to get your own copy of Instagram Feed Pro and just follow this helpful tutorial on how to add an Instagram footer widget on WordPress.

The cool part about this is you don’t even need to have a Shopify account to boost your sales using Instagram. Just by using Instagram Feed Pro, you can make it easier for your users to buy from you.

Alright — and that’s it! We have now shown you the different Instagram feed examples.

Best Way to Embed Instagram Feed

What’s the best way to display Instagram feeds on your website?

You can use the best Instagram feed plugin in the market — Instagram Feed Pro.

Using this tool, you can create, customize, and embed Instagram feeds in just a few clicks with absolutely no coding!

All in al, Instagram Feed Pro is the best investment you can make to level up your business’s social media marketing.

best instagram feed pro plugin

Next, just follow the linked tutorials so you can easily recreate these Instagram feed examples and use them for your own brand.

With the plugin’s help, you can set up each Instagram feed in just under 5 minutes, remember?

instagram feed pro guided flow

Simply connect your Instagram profile to the plugin, and it’ll connect to the Instagram API automatically.

After that, your Instagram feed can automatically fetch photos and videos and display them on your WordPress website.

And there you go!

With the Instagram Feed Pro plugin, you can create, customize, and embed beautiful and responsive Instagram feeds on your WordPress site.

You can show Instagram stories, photos, and videos with ease — no coding needed. That way, you’ll have an easy time boosting your Instagram presence and growing your business.

Get your copy of Instagram Feed Pro today and take your Instagram marketing to the next level.

Want more ways to grow this business? Then, you can embed social media feeds using this guide.

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more social media marketing tutorials.

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Lianne Laroya Content Marketing Manager
Lianne serves as the Content Marketing Manager at Smash Balloon, drawing upon more than 12 years of experience in WordPress content, social media marketing, user-generated content (UGC) and search engine optimization (SEO).

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