How to Embed Google Business Reviews on Your Website (2024)

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How to Embed Google Business Reviews on Your Website (2024)

embed google business reviews

If you want to embed Google business reviews on your website, you’re not alone.

Displaying positive reviews and testimonials from Google can be a great way to convert more visitors into paying customers.

But if you’re not used to dealing with code, then it can be tough to embed Google reviews on your site.

Today, we’re giving you an easy solution that lets you embed reviews in WordPress in just a few easy clicks.

Here’s what our tutorial will cover. You can click on a section below to skip ahead:

Let’s get started!

Why Embed Google Business Reviews in WordPress

Before buying anything online, 92% of customers are reading online reviews these days.

As you can see, it’s more important than ever to have positive reviews of your brand. If you don’t, people might just move to your competition instead.

google reviews feed example

And when it comes to online reviews, Google is easily the #1 platform and is trusted by millions of people.

That means if you embed Google reviews on your site, you can show your visitors that tons of real users are happy with your products.

This social proof can help convert more people into customers and help you get tons of sales – all from your website.

Easiest Way to Embed Google Business Reviews on Your Website

If you are looking for a way to add Google business reviews to WordPress websites, there are 2 options you can try:

  • Manual way: Buy access to the Google API and then use code to fetch Google reviews and display them on your website
  • Automatic way: Use a reviews aggregator plugin that can automatically fetch Google reviews and embed them for you

As you can see here, using the manual way can be tougher since you’ll have to be familiar with the Google API and coding.

google manual review feed

Plus, you’re embedding reviews by directly inserting this code into your site. If something goes wrong, you won’t have a support team to help you.

The good news? An easy solution is to use a reviews aggregator WordPress plugin instead.

If you want to get started, the best option that you can try is Reviews Feed Pro.

reviews feed pro plugin

As the fastest-growing reviews aggregator, Reviews Feed Pro lets you display content from highly trusted platforms like Facebook, Tripadvisor, Yelp Reviews, and Google.

In just a few clicks, you can follow the 3-step guided flow to create, customize, and embed your Google business reviews – no need to touch a single line of code.

reviews feed pro guided flow

Plus, you have total control over the reviews you’re embedding. You can use the visual customizer to freely change how your reviews look or even import a pre-designed template.

Using the plugin’s filters, you can show reviews with specific star ratings, set up banned words, and more.

Reviews Feed Pro even lets you manually choose which reviews to show or hide using the moderation options.

Since the plugin was created to be lightweight, you can embed tons of Google reviews, and your site will load as fast as ever.

It’s a great way to give your visitors a better experience and boost your SEO at the same time. After all, a faster website means better SEO and fewer people leaving your site.

All in all, Reviews Feed Pro is an amazing tool if you want a way to grow your business online using reviews.

If you want to embed Google reviews easily, get Reviews Feed Pro for your site here.

How to Embed Google Business Reviews on Your Website Easily

Follow the step-by-step guide below, and you can have a feed of Google business reviews on your site in just minutes.

Let’s take a look:

Step 1: Install and Activate Reviews Feed Pro

Once you’re ready to get started, grab your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here and then install it on your website.

Need some help doing that? We’ve got a guide on how to install plugins in WordPress that you can check out.

After you’ve installed and activated the plugin, you can create a feed of Google reviews in step 2.

Step 2: Create a Google Business Reviews Feed

Now, you can use the plugin’s guided flow to start embedding your Google business reviews.

From your WordPress dashboard area, open the Reviews Feed Â» All Feeds menu and then click on the Add New button at the top.

add new button reviews feed

First, you can choose which type of source to use for your new reviews feed. Aside from Google, you can also embed Facebook reviews, Tripadvisor reviews, and Yelp reviews using this plugin.

For now, you can select the Google option on the popup and then click on Next.

select google feed type

Just like that, you have a new feed on your website that you can use to embed Google business reviews.

In step 3, you can connect this feed to Google so that it can start fetching Google reviews automatically.

Step 3: Connect Your Feed to Google

If you haven’t created a Google reviews feed before, the plugin will ask you to add a new source.

Once you’ve connected a source, you can freely reuse it for any of your future Google feeds.

Just click on the Add Source button on the popup to continue.

add new source reviews feed pro

For a simple way to make sure your Google reviews feed is up-to-date, you can use the Google API.

With it, the plugin can automatically connect to Google and fetch new reviews for your website.

Don’t have your Google API yet? Follow this guide on creating an API key for your Google account.

After you’ve created your API key, just paste it on the popup and then click on the Next button.

Don’t want to enter an API key yet? You can click on Skip in that case.

insert your api key reviews feed pro.jpg

You can now choose which Google business page you’d like to embed reviews from. And the easiest way to do that is to use a unique Place ID that each page has.

In case you don’t know your Place ID, open the official Place ID generator and look for a map on this page.

Using the search bar at the top, look for your business and then select it from the results below.

enter place name google.jpg

Now, Google will show some additional information about that business, including the name, location, and Place ID.

Just copy the code on the Place ID field if you want to continue.

Next, open your website once more so you can enter the Place ID that you just copied.

Just paste the Place ID on the popup before clicking on the Finish button.

add your place id create reviews feed.png

You’ve now added a new source for your Google reviews feed. By selecting this source, the feed will embed your Google business reviews in WordPress.

To proceed, select your source and then click on Next.

confirm source google feeds

So far, you’ve created a new feed and connected it to your Google business page.

In the next step, you can customize how your Google business reviews will look before embedding them on your website.

Step 4: Customize Your Google Business Reviews

For an easy way to embed beautiful Google reviews with unique designs, the plugin lets you import a pre-designed template:

  • Default
  • Simple cards
  • Masonry
  • Single review
  • Showcase carousel
  • Carousel
  • Grid carousel

Once you select a template that you prefer, click on the Next button.

select your reviews feed template

Your feed will then instantly copy that template’s design as well. Next, you can customize your new Google reviews in detail using the visual customizer.

With the help of the customization panel on the left, you can quickly change your layout, header design, review elements, load more reviews button, and a lot more.

You can even open your feed settings and control which customer reviews will be visible on your website.

live feed editor for reviews feed pro

Whenever you make any changes, the live preview on the right will show you how your feed looks in real time.

Ready to change the design of your Google reviews? Click on the Layout option on the left.

click on the layout option reviews feed

By changing the layout, you can choose how the reviews will be embedded on your WordPress site. You have 3 layouts to pick from here:

  • List: Show your reviews in a single column, so each review is clearly visible on your site
  • Masonry: Embed tons of reviews at once using multiple columns
  • Carousel: Engage your visitors by showing Google reviews in a beautiful slideshow

After selecting a layout on the left, click on the Save button.

layout options for google reviews

To continue editing your Google reviews feed, you can use the live preview on the right and directly click on the section that you’d like to customize.

Or, you can return to the main customization options by clicking on the Customize button.

return to main customization options

Using the remaining customization options, you can easily change the design of your feed’s header, buttons, review elements, and more. Like before, click on Save if you want to confirm your changes.

With the Reviews Feed Pro plugin, you can even choose which Google reviews you’d like to embed on your site.

Just click on the Settings tab at the top and then select the Filters option.

open filter settings reviews feed pro

From here, you can choose to show Google reviews with specific star ratings. That way, your feed can showcase high-quality positive reviews and help you convert visitors easily.

To continue, use the panel on the left to select the star ratings that you’d like to show.

filters for google reviews feed

Once you’ve selected your filters, click on Save to update your Google reviews feed. The feed will then show star reviews with your chosen rating.

Using the remaining options, you can also filter reviews based on certain terms or manually choose to hide or show certain reviews. Remember to click on Save at the end to confirm your changes.

Finally, it’s time for step 5, where you embed your new Google reviews in your WordPress site.

Step 5: Embed Google Business Reviews on Your Website

Reviews Feed Pro has 2 options when it comes to embedding Google reviews on your website:

  • Embed Google business reviews on a web page
  • Embed Google reviews on the sidebar or footer

Not sure which to pick? We’ll take a look at both of them below.

Embed Google Business Reviews on a Web Page

From the visual customizer, you can easily start embedding your Google reviews.

First, click on the Embed button at the top.

reviews feed click on the embed button

Clicking on that opens a new popup with the different ways of embedding Google reviews.

For now, you can select the Add to a Page option here.

add to a page widget reviews feed pro

Reviews Feed Pro will then show all the available pages on your WordPress website.

To continue, select a page where you want to embed Google business reviews and then click on Add.

add to a page review feed

You’ll then see the page open in the WordPress block editor so you can embed your reviews.

Before you can do that, add a new content block using the plus (+) icon here.

add new content block on wordpress

After that, enter “reviews feed” into the search bar at the top to look for the right WordPress block.

Finally, click on Reviews Feed in the search results below.

add reviews feed block to wordpress

With that, you’ll have a feed of Google business reviews on your WordPress site. Just click on Update, and the feed will be live for anyone visiting your site to see.

If you open this page now, you’ll see your reviews listed out like in this example of Google reviews on a website:

example of google reviews feed wordpress

Now, we’ll look at the next method of embedding Google reviews using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

Embed Google Business Reviews on the Sidebar or Footer

The plugin also lets you use social media review widgets to embed your Google business reviews.

Plus, you can do this directly from the visual customizer — just like before.

If your customizer isn’t open, go to the Reviews Feed » All Feeds menu from your dashboard and then click on your reviews feed.

open review feed live editor

Now, you’ll see the feed open in the visual customizer once more.

From here, click on the Embed button at the top to continue.

reviews feed click on the embed button

You can now see a popup that has all the ways to embed Google reviews in WordPress.

This time, you can select the Add to a Widget option.

add to a widget reviews feed pro

Doing that will open your site’s Widgets page, where you can add, manage, or remove any of your existing WordPress widgets.

Now, click on either the Sidebar panel or the Footer panel, depending on where you want to show the reviews.

open sidebar panel

We’ll also use the website sidebar for our example.

After selecting the location of your widget, click on the plus icon (+) below.

Finally, you can select the Reviews Feed widget to embed your Google reviews here.

add reviews feed block to sidebar

Just click on Update, and you’ll have a new Google reviews feed on your website’s widget-ready areas.

As you can see, Reviews Feed Pro makes it super easy to have a Google reviews widget for your website. You can also open your site to see how your reviews will look to your visitors.

sidebar review feed widget wordpress

And there you go!

Now you know how to embed Google business reviews on your website free of extra hassle. Just like that, you can start displaying social proof that converts more people into your customers.

With support for the biggest review platforms out there, Reviews Feed Pro is easily the #1 option when it comes to review aggregator plugins. Plus, it’s so user-friendly that you can start using it right away.

Ready to embed Google reviews in WordPress? Get your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here!

For another great way to grow your business online, check out our list of the best social media feed plugins.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more social media marketing tips and tricks.

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Sajjan Sharma Senior Writer
Sajjan has been writing about WordPress, social media marketing, and online businesses for over 10 years. His professional interests extend to include influencer marketing, content curation and digital marketing strategies.

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