How to Fix TikTok Embed Not Working on Your Site (Proven Ways)
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How to Fix TikTok Embed Not Working on Your Site (Proven Ways)

how to fix tiktok embed not working on your website

Is your TikTok embed not working on your site? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place.

As a popular platform for short-form videos, TikTok can be a great place to find engaging content for your website visitors.

But if your TikTok embeds aren’t working properly, you can actually create a worse impression of your website and brand.

The good news? We’ve put together this guide to help you fix your TikTok embeds with ease and keep your visitors engaged.

Let’s get started!

How to Fix Your TikTok Embed Not Working on Your Website

1. Check Your Internet Connection

The first step is to double-check your internet connection and make sure it’s working fine. 

Even if your internet is technically working, a slow connection can cause embeds on a website to break.

So, you can try loading other websites or just use an online speed checker to see how your internet is working.

google speed test example

If there are issues with your connection, you can try simple fixes like:

  • Move closer to the internet router if you’re using Wi-Fi
  • Check and see if your LAN cable is in good condition
  • Look for any active downloads on one of your connected devices
  • Restart your router and see if it fixes your connection or internet speed
  • Turn off VPNs and similar programs that interfere with your internet

Still, dealing with internet issues? In that situation, the best solution is to reach out to your internet service provider and ask them for help.

Once the internet is back to normal, you can open your website once more and see if the TikTok video embeds are loading.

2. Turn Off Your Adblocker

I get it; Adblockers are handy tools that can make web browsing easier. But sometimes, they can cause problems for your TikTok embeds.

In case you’re not using any Adblockers, you can directly skip to the next step below.

As a test, you can simply turn off the Adblocker entirely and not just for your website. Then, reload your site to see if your TikTok embeds are working now.

turn off adblocker chrome

If this solves the problem, try switching to another Adblocker that doesn’t interfere with TikTok. You can repeat this test to get a confirmation.

3. Update Your WordPress Version

Sometimes, your WordPress website can cause problems with TikTok embeds.

The team behind WordPress is constantly releasing updates to add features, fix bugs, and make improvements.

But if your WordPress version is outdated, your website can malfunction. After that, some features, like TikTok embeds, can stop working.

The solution? Open your website’s WordPress dashboard area and check if there’s a banner at the top asking you to update.

To update your WordPress version, all you have to do is click on the Please update now button.

update wordpress version to fix tiktok embeds

After that, wait for the update to finish, then reload your website to see if TikTok is loading properly.

4. Check if TikTok is Down

The next step is to check if TikTok itself is offline. After all, your video embeds still need to connect to TikTok to load properly.

To test this, you can check if the official TikTok website or app is loading right now. You can also use sites like Downdetector that track website outages.

downdetector for tiktok

If TikTok is down right now, you can wait until it’s working again and test your TikTok embeds once again.

5. Update Your Themes & Plugins

Another reason for TikTok embed errors can be outdated themes and plugins on your website.

Like an outdated WordPress version, older themes and plugins can cause problems for your site and break features.

What’s more, they can even be a massive security risk for your website.

36% of all compromised websites had at least 1 vulnerable plugin or theme present in the environment at the point of remediation.


Like your WordPress version, you can quickly update your themes and plugins directly from your dashboard.

First, open the Dashboard » Updates menu and scroll down to see the plugins and themes that are outdated.

open updates page for wordpress

To update your plugins, look for the Plugins section here and click on Select All.

After you do that, click on the Update Plugins button to continue.

update all plugins for wordpress

Now, all you have to do is wait for the updates to finish. Afterwards, you can click on Go to WordPress Updates page to proceed.

go to wordpress updates page

Like earlier, you can now scroll down to the Themes section and then click on the Select All option.

Next, click on the Update Themes button below.

update all themes for wordpress

Once your themes and plugins are updated, try out your TikTok embeds once more and see if they load correctly.

6. Use a TikTok Feed Plugin Instead

Looking for the easiest way to fix TikTok embeds? Instead of the clunky TikTok embed generator, you can use a plugin to do the job for you,

With a TikTok feed plugin, you can display lots of TikTok videos in just a few clicks – without touching a single line of code.

example of a tiktok video feed

In fact, a high-quality plugin can embed your TikTok profile at once and even update your feed whenever you upload a new video. All in all, it can save you a ton of time.

To learn how you can do that, you can skip ahead to our final section below.

Why Add TikTok Feeds to Your Website?

With the help of TikTok feeds, you can display tons of engaging videos at once on your site and keep visitors interested.

On top of that, embedding TikTok feeds can also help you:

  • Display your TikTok profile on your website’s sidebar or footer area to get tons of views
  • Partner with TikTok influencers to create review testimonials and embed them on your product pages 
  • Make TikToks with product demonstrations and add them to your checkout page to get more sales
  • Showcase your best videos along with a “Follow” button on your homepage to get tons of followers
example of a tiktok video feed

Easiest Way to Embed TikTok Feeds on Your Website

For the simplest way of embedding TikTok feeds, you can use the TikTok Feed Pro plugin.

tiktok feed pro homepage

As the fastest-growing TikTok feed plugin for WordPress, this tool makes it easier than ever to embed TikTok videos.

In just minutes, you can have a beautiful feed of TikTok videos to grab people’s attention and grow your TikTok following.

To help you do all that and more, TikTok Feed Pro comes with awesome features such as:

  • Guided Flow: Just follow a 3-step guide that will walk you through creating, customizing, and embedding TikTok feeds – no coding needed! 
  • Inherits Theme: All the TikTok feeds you create will automatically copy your website’s design and perfectly match your branding.
  • Lightweight: Since the plugin was designed for speed, your site will load as fast as ever, no matter how many videos you embed.
  • SEO Ready: Instead of using iFrames, the plugin will actually embed the TikTok videos so search engines can read the keywords from the video description and hashtags.
  • Easy Customization: To create eye-catching TikTok feeds with unique designs, the plugin gives you pre-built templates as well as a visual customizer.
tiktok feed pro customizer

The best part?

TikTok Feed Pro comes with a dedicated support team that you can turn to whenever you need help or have any questions.

In fact, Smash Balloon plugins are used by some of the biggest brands in the world. As you can see, your website will be in good hands here.

For more details, check out this guide on how to embed TikTok videos on your WordPress website.

And there you have it!

Whenever you’re having issues with your TikTok feeds, you can give these solutions a try. That way, you can showcase interesting TikTok content on your site to keep people engaged.

Better yet, you can embed TikTok feeds on your website with the TikTok Feed Pro plugin. That way, you can have dependable TikTok embeds and a dedicated support team ready to help you out.

Ready to embed TikTok feeds? Get your copy of TikTok Feed Pro here!

More TikTok Tips and Tutorials (For Beginners)

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Sajjan Sharma Senior Writer
Sajjan has been writing about WordPress, social media marketing, and online businesses for over 10 years. His professional interests extend to include influencer marketing, content curation and digital marketing strategies.

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