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Licenses Explained!

Licenses explained!
How are 5 site and 10 site licenses distributed?
Do you have an option to purchase one single license for all your plugins?
How is pricing determined?
Can I exchange a license for a different one?

Licenses Explained!

When you initially purchase a plugin, you are purchasing a plugin and a license that is bundled with the plugin.  The license establishes and controls four things:

1. The number of sites your plugin can be installed on.

When used while describing our plugin licenses the word “unlimited” does not define the license “life term”.  Rather “unlimited” refers to the actual number of sites the plugin itself can be installed on.

The number of sites a plugin can be installed on is determined by its license tier.  Those tiers are defined as:

  • Basic:  Can be installed on any one single site.
  • Plus: Can be installed on up to five sites at any given time.
  • Elite:  Can be installed on up to ten at any given time.
  • All Access Bundle: (this is a bundle of all of our WordPress plugins which allows “unlimited” site installation of all plugins within the bundle).  The bundle includes our WordPress social media plugins for Facebook, Instagram, Reviews, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube along with our Social Wall plugin which allows you to display posts from any two or more of the different social media sources within one single feed display window.

2. Access to different features.

We understand that not every user requires the same set of features for all their sites. To provide you with more control, each plan (Basic, Plus and Elite) contains different features.

3 . Access to future released plugin updates. 

The license life term defines the time frame allowed which gives you the ability to download plugin updates as they are released.  Plugin downloads and/or site updates are available during the time frame your license is valid (meaning “not expired”).  

You are not required to renew a license when it expires and it is not designed to stop functioning on the date of expiration.  Rather, what you lose is the ability to obtain plugin updates when you are not maintaining a license.  Updates help to ensure the plugin you purchased does not become quickly outdated or obsolete. 

The availability for downloading plugin updates which assures continued functionality expires when a license expires.  Plugin and extension updates are being constantly worked on due to changes made either by WordPress and/or the social media entity it is designed for.  Whenever one or the other makes a change in their software we have to go back to the drawing board and rebuild the plugins to meet those changes and stay compatible since the plugins act as a go-between for both.

Since our plugins act as the “go-between” then frequent code rewrite is required to stay compatible with those changes.  Those changes are then released as a plugin update and available to anyone with a valid non-expired license.

3. The length of time the rights and privileges of the license (license life) remain in effect. 

The term of the license (usually one year) is defined at the time of purchase.  The word “unlimited” does not define the license life term but rather refers to the actual number of sites the plugin itself can be installed on.

If you purchased a 1 year license then at the end of that license term you can choose whether you wish to renew the license for the same time frame again.  If you have a lifetime license (which are now being phased out) there are no future license renewal costs as the license allowing plugin updates is “Lifetime” meaning it is good forever.

The life of a license is not site independent.  As an example… If you purchase a Plus license that supports up to 5 sites, the license starts at the time of purchase collectively for all five license site slots whether you choose to use them or not.  You can remove activation from one site and then reactivate the license on a different site (in other words change activation to different sites as needed) just as long as there are not more than 5 sites activated under the license at any one time.

So, for a Plus (5 site license) that was purchased with a 1 year license term that means after one year if the license is not renewed it expires and will have expired for all 5 sites whether it was being used throughout the year on 5 sites or not.  

4. Access to free priority technical support.

A valid license assures you continued access to our support staff.  Since our plugins act as the “go-between” then it requires frequent code rewrite to stay compatible with those changes resulting in an update being published and available for free for anyone with a valid non-expired license.

The reason we do not provide support for a plugin that is not current (meaning the latest version is not installed on the site) is because on most occasions the issue being experienced has already been addressed and a plugin update has already been released to address the problem.  Simply by updating the plugin and keeping it updated will have resolved the issue.

The Elite and All Access Bundle licenses give you priority support, while the Basic and Plus give you standard support.

How are 5 site and 10 site licenses distributed?

It is just one license designed to support installation and use on up to five (or ten) different site URL’s on whichever sites you wish to install and use the plugin on.  You control which sites you want the plugin installed and registered on.  If you are using a Plus (5 site) plugin license on five sites and then decided you wanted it on a different site you only need to decide which one of the five sites you want to deactivate the plugin on and after doing so, a license slot is then available again to reactivate on another different site.

Do you have an option to purchase one single license for all your plugins?

Yes.   We offer the “All Access Bundle” which is assigned one single license.  This bundle contains all of our WordPress plugins which allows “unlimited” site installation of each plugin included within the bundle.  The bundle includes our WordPress versions of the social media plugins for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube along with our Social Wall plugin which allows you to display posts from any two or more of the different social media sources within one single feed display window.

How is pricing determined?

Pricing is determined based on the length of the time you purchase the license for, the number of sites the plugin can be installed on, the features available on each plugin plan and the anticipated support resources that would be tasked in relation to the number of sites potentially supported under the license. 

The license types (Basic, Plus, Elite) do not offer the same feature set within the respective social media plugin type. For example, the Instagram Feed Pro Plus plugin allows you to display a hashtag feed, while the Instagram Feed Pro Basic plugin does not have this feature. 

We do not offering pricing based upon a different number of desired site licenses, and pricing is strictly set to support 1, 5, 10, or unlimited site installation licenses only.

Can I exchange a license for a different one?

Yes.  You can upgrade a license at any time within it’s respective social media type.  Please see this Upgrades FAQ for additional information.

You may find these other FAQ’s to be helpful as well:



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