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Reviews Feed Error Message Reference

Google API errors

You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project

To get reviews from Google, you’ll need to set up billing for the project you created. To enable billing, you can visit this page

Learn more at

Error 400: API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.

Your Google API key is not valid.

When you receive this error, it means that you have added a Google API key in the plugin settings, but the API key is not valid. Please ensure that you have created the API key using the steps in this guide: Creating a Google API Key.

If you still get this error after you set up an API key with our guide, please edit your key in the Google Cloud console and check that there are no restrictions set on your key. You may also need to double-check that the required Places API was added to the Enabled APIs and Services section during the setup process of your key.

You can also try creating a new API key in a new project using our guide above if your key still does not work after these troubleshooting steps.

Unknown error occurred!: (While adding a Google Place ID)

If you see this error while you are adding your Google Place ID, a common cause for this is the Google listing for your business not having a physical address set. For more details see this article.

Yelp API errors

UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token provided is not currently able to query this endpoint.

This means the API key you are using isn’t valid. You’ll need to double-check that this is a valid API key. To do so, you can follow this guide: Creating a Yelp API Key.

BUSINESS_NOT_FOUND: The requested business could not be found.

This means that the business ID you entered was not valid, please check that you are entering a valid business ID.

TripAdvisor API errors

Code: 101: The location was not found.

This means the place ID is not valid or isn’t attached to a public business. You should double-check what URL is being used when connecting the source.

User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny

This means that the API key is invalid or no longer authorized. You’ll need to make sure that the API key is authorized and up to date.


Facebook API errors

PPCA Error: Due to Facebook API changes it is no longer possible to display reviews from a Facebook Page you are not an admin of. The Facebook feed below is not using a valid Access Token for this Facebook page and so has stopped updating.

The Access Token you are using is not from an admin of the Facebook page.  See here for directions.

Error: An unknown error occurred. Or, Error: An unexpected error has occurred.

You may be requesting too many posts

If you request too much data from Facebook’s API then it will occasionally send back an ‘unknown error’ message. Facebook has certain limitations on its API and doesn’t allow you to retrieve too much data in one request and put too much load on their servers.

Facebook’s API may have a temporary issue

Facebook’s API may be unreachable temporarily. Try waiting a few minutes and then trying again. You can clear the plugin cache and force the plugin to check the Facebook API again by going to Reviews Feed > Settings > Feeds > click Clear All Caches.

API Error 190: Error: Error validating application. Application has been deleted. Type: OAuthException. Code: 190

You need to obtain an Access Token

Facebook may have made a platform change that caused an issue with our plugin connecting to their API. To fix this issue, set up a new feed or edit an existing feed’s sources under Reviews Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process.

Error: (#2) Service temporarily unavailable

Facebook’s API may be temporarily down

Facebook’s API may be unreachable temporarily. Try waiting a few minutes and then trying again. You can clear the plugin cache and force the plugin to check the Facebook API again by going to Reviews Feed > Settings > Feeds > click Clear All Caches.

API Error 190:: Error: Error validating Access Token. The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password of Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. Type: OAuthException. Code: 190

Your Access Token has become invalid due to changing the password on your account.

To solve this you’d need to reconnect your account to refresh the source. Edit an existing feed’s sources under Reviews Feed > All Feeds > click Edit for the relevant feed > Settings > Sources > Change and follow the connection process. This will then provide you with your own Access Token.


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