Instagram’s API requires that you use a Business Profile connection to be able to create a Hashtag feed with our plugin. If you don’t have an Instagram Business Profile, you can convert a Personal Profile to a Business Profile and connect it to the plugin by following these directions.
Once you have an Instagram Business Profile and have connected it as a Source according to the steps in the directions linked above, you can create a Hashtag feed by going to WordPress Dashboard > Instagram Feed > All Feeds, clicking Add New, selecting Public Hashtag as the Feed Type, and then following the prompts to continue setting up the feed.
Once you’ve finished setting up the feed, you can click Embed from within the feed settings or check the Shortcode column from your All Feeds page to find the feed’s shortcode, copy it, and add this to any page or widget area.
There are some limitations when displaying an Instagram Hashtag feed on your website. When displaying a “Recent” feed, Instagram only returns the most recent hashtag posts from the past 24-hour period. Because of this, when you create a new Recent hashtag feed, posts from the “Top posts” section will initially be retrieved, sorted by date, and saved. Then going forward, new Recent posts will be added to your feed as it updates, and the plugin will store these posts so that they can continue to be displayed indefinitely, creating a permanent feed of your posts.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in a 7-day period, each connected Business Profile has a unique Hashtag search limit of 30 Hashtags. If you need to display more than 30 different Hashtags, you can connect another Business Profile, and the Instagram Feed Pro plugin will automatically start using the 30 Hashtag search ‘slots’ of this additional account when the first account has used all its ‘slots’.