Docs    YouTube

YouTube Pro – Shortcode Use

Below is a list of available shortcode options to use within the YouTube Pro plugin.  These options are not required, and if they are not specified then the default values set on your plugins Settings and Customize pages will be used.

Basic example: [youtube-feed]

Number of columnscols1-6The number of columns for the feed for desktop. Note: This setting does not apply to feeds which already use a grid layout, such as photo, album, and video feeds. To control the number of columns in those feeds use the photocols, albumcols, and videocols settings.cols=3

Name Shortcode Attribute Options Description Example
Feed Type type channel
Type of feed to display type="channel"
Specify channel channel Display videos from a YouTube channel (channel) type=channel channel="smashballoon"
Specify playlist playlist Display videos from a specific playlist (playlist) type=playlist playlist="PLLLm1a2b3c4D6g7i8j9k_1a"
Specify favorites favorites Display the “favorites” playlist for a channel (favorites) type=favoritesfavorites="smashballoon"
live Display upcoming and currently playing live streams live="UC1a2b3c4D5F6g7i8j9k"
single Display a feed of individual videos single="ahL3sbPK1U8"
search Display a feed of matching search results search="cats"
Customize Options
Feed width width Any number + unit The width of the feed container (including the unit)  Any number with a unit like “px” or “%” width=500px
Feed height height Any number + unit The height of the feed container (including the unit) height=500px
Feed background background background="#f00"
Info Display infoposition side
Where the information (title, description, stats) will display. eg. below, side, none infoposition="side"
CSS class class class=myfeed
Video Experience playvideo onclick When to play the video?

List layout will not play automatically. Choose whether to play the video automatically in the player or wait until the user clicks the play button after the video is loaded.

Info Display include playicon
stats = (likes and comments count)
Comma separated list of what video information (title, description, stats) will display in the feed. eg. title, description include="title, description, date"
include="date, stats"
Info Display hoverinclude title
stats = (likes and comments count)
Comma separated list of what video information (title, description, stats) will display when hovering over the video thumbnail. eg. title, stats hoverinclude="title, stats, date"
Info Display descriptionlength # of characters Maximum length of the description descriptionlength="300"
Info Display descriptiontextsize px Size of description text, size of other text will be relative to this size. 13px, 14px, inherit descriptiontextsize="13px"
Moderation includewords choice Show videos that have specific text or hashtag in the title or description. includewords="#cat, dog, #nice"
Moderation excludewords choice Remove videos that have specific text or hashtag in the title or description. excludewords="rabbit, #dog, purple"
Layout Options
layout How your posts are display visually. layout="list"
gridcols Videos in carousel when 480px screen width or less. gridcols="3"
gridcolsmobile Columns when 480px screen width or less. gridcolsmobile="2"
gallerycols Videos in carousel when 480px screen width or less. gallerycols="3"
gallerycolsmobile Columns when 480px screen width or less. gallerycolsmobile="2"
carouselcols Videos in carousel when 480px screen width or less. carouselcols="3"
carouselcolsmobile Columns when 480px screen width or less. carouselcolsmobile="2"
carouselrows Choose 2 rows to show two posts in a single slide. carouselrows="2"
carouselloop What happens when the last slide is reached. carouselloop="infinity"
carouselarrows Show arrows on the sides to navigate posts. carouselarrows="false"
carouselpag Show dots below carousel for an ordinal indication of which slide is being shown. carouselpag="false"
carouselautoplay Whether or not to change slides automatically on an interval. carouselautoplay="true"
carouseltime Duration in milliseconds before the slide changes. itemspacing="5px"
num The number of videos in the feed num=5
itemspacing The spacing/padding around the videos in the feed. Any number with a unit like “px” or “em”. itemspacing="5px"
Video Experience Options
playerratio Player height relative to width e.g. 9:16, 3:4 playerratio="9:16"
playvideo What the user needs to do to play a video. eg. onclick, automatically playvideo="onclick"
cta What the user sees when a video pauses or ends. eg. related, link feed cta="link"
linkurl URL for viewer to visit for the call to action. linkurl=""
linkopentype Whether to open the page in a new window or the same window. linkopentype="newwindow"
linktext ext that appears on the call-to-action button. linktext="Buy Now"
linkcolor Button background. Turns opaque on hover. linkcolor="#0f0"]
linktextcolor Color of the text on the call-to-action-button linktextcolor="#0f0"
Custom Text Translations
viewstext The text that appears after the number of views. viewstext="times viewed"
agotext The text that appears after relative times in the past. agotext="prior"
beforedatetext The text that appears before live stream dates. beforedatetext="Watch Live"
beforestreamtimetext The text that appears before relative live stream times. beforestreamtimetext="Starting in"
minutetext Translation for singular "minute". minutetext="minuto"
minutestext Translation for plural "minutes". minutestext="minuten"
hourstext Translation for "hours". hourstext="minuten"
watchnowtext The text that appears when video is currently streaming live. watchnowtext="Now Playing"
thousandstext Text after statistics if over 1 thousand. thousandstext=" thousand"
millionstext Text after statistics if over 1 million. millionstext=" million"
Header Options
showheader Include a header for this feed. showheader="false"
showdescription Include the channel description in the header. showdescription="false"
showsubscribers Include the number of subscribers in the header. showsubscribers="false"
subscriberstext The text that appears after the number of subscribers. subscriberstext="followers"
"Load More" Button Options
showbutton nclude a "Load More" button at the bottom of the feed to load more videos. showbutton="false"
buttoncolor ackground color for the "Load More" button. Any hex color code. buttoncolor="#0f0"
buttontextcolor Text color for the "Load More" button. Any hex color code. buttontextcolor="#00f"
buttontext The text that appers on the "Load More" button. buttontext="More Videos"
"Subscribe" Button Options
showsubscribe Include a "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the feed to load more videos. showsubscribe="false"
subscribecolor Background color for the "Subscribe" button. Any hex color code. subscribecolor="#0f0"
subscribetextcolor Text color for the "Subscribe" button. Any hex color code. subscribetextcolor="#00f"
subscribetext The text that appers on the "Subscribe" button. subscribetext="Subscribe to My Channel"
showpast Include past live streams if displaying a live stream feed. showpast="true"
usecustomsearch Use a custom search instead of the default search type. usecustomsearch="true"
customsearch Custom search query. customsearch="&q=gooseberry falls&order=viewCount"

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