The Instagram API does not offer any information about whether a feed is from a verified account or not so this is something you would need to add with some custom Javascript and some configuration of the feed.
Follow these steps:
1) Add a class to the feed: [instagram-feed class="verified"]
2) Add the following to the plugin’s Custom JavaScript section:
$('.verified .sb_instagram_header h3').append('<span class="sb_verified"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="badge-check" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" class="svg-inline--fa fa-badge-check fa-w-16"><path fill="currentColor" d="M512 256c0-37.7-23.7-69.9-57.1-82.4 14.7-32.4 8.8-71.9-17.9-98.6-26.7-26.7-66.2-32.6-98.6-17.9C325.9 23.7 293.7 0 256 0s-69.9 23.7-82.4 57.1c-32.4-14.7-72-8.8-98.6 17.9-26.7 26.7-32.6 66.2-17.9 98.6C23.7 186.1 0 218.3 0 256s23.7 69.9 57.1 82.4c-14.7 32.4-8.8 72 17.9 98.6 26.6 26.6 66.1 32.7 98.6 17.9 12.5 33.3 44.7 57.1 82.4 57.1s69.9-23.7 82.4-57.1c32.6 14.8 72 8.7 98.6-17.9 26.7-26.7 32.6-66.2 17.9-98.6 33.4-12.5 57.1-44.7 57.1-82.4zm-144.8-44.25L236.16 341.74c-4.31 4.28-11.28 4.25-15.55-.06l-75.72-76.33c-4.28-4.31-4.25-11.28.06-15.56l26.03-25.82c4.31-4.28 11.28-4.25 15.56.06l42.15 42.49 97.2-96.42c4.31-4.28 11.28-4.25 15.55.06l25.82 26.03c4.28 4.32 4.26 11.29-.06 15.56z" class=""></path></svg></span>');
3) Add the following to the Custom CSS section:
.sb_verified svg {
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
color: #5198e9;