Docs    Twitter    FAQs

How can I allow editors access to the Twitter plugin settings?

You can grant other user roles access to the feed settings by using a plugin such as User Role Editor and giving a role the manage_twitter_feed_options capability, or by adding the following snippet to your functions.php file:

/* Upgrade the Editor Role */
function sb_custom_capability( $cap ) { 
         return 'edit_posts'; } 
add_filter( 'manage_twitter_feed_options', 'sb_custom_capability', 10, 1 ); 

If you need to share access to the plugin settings, add the following snippet to your functions.php file:

/* Upgrade the Editor Role */
function sb_custom_capability( $cap ) {
         return 'edit_posts'; }
add_filter( 'ctf_settings_pages_capability', 'sb_custom_capability', 10, 1 ); 

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