This table outlines options in the deprecated Custom Facebook Feed PHP Standalone (not WordPress) product. This product is no longer being sold or updated. This information is not relevant for the Custom Facebook Feed WordPress plugins
Below is a list of optional settings you can use to customize your feed.
Name | Setting | Options | Description | Example |
Settings | ||||
Page ID | id | Your Page ID | The Page ID of the Facebook Page you want to display | 'id' => 'smashballoon', |
Page Type | pagetype | page | Whether to display posts from a Facebook Page or Group. To display a feed from a group please see this page. | pagetype=page pagetype=group |
Number of posts | number | Any number | The number of posts you wish to display | 'number' => '5', |
Post limit | limit | Any number | Define the number of posts retrieved from the Facebook API | 'limit' => '25', |
Post offset | offset | Any number less than the number of posts you’re displaying | The number of posts to offset the feed by. For example, an offset of 2 would start the feed at the third post. | 'offset' => '1', |
Show posts by | showpostsby | me others onlyothers |
Select whether to show posts by only the page owner, anyone who posts on your page, or only others who post on your page. | 'showpostsby' => 'others', |
Caching type | cachetype | background page |
Whether to check for new posts in the background or when the page loads | 'cachetype' => 'background', |
Caching time | cachetime | Any number | Define the amount of time to cache posts for before checking Facebook for new ones (the unit of time can be set using the ‘cacheunit’ option described below) | 'cachetime' => 5, |
Caching unit of time | cacheunit | minutes hours days |
Select the unit of time for cachine (the amount time can be set using the ‘cachetime’ option described above | 'cacheunit' => 'hours', |
Locale | locale | en_US es_ES fr_FR de_DE etc… |
Define the language that the Like box should be localized to | 'locale' => 'es_ES', |
SSL | ssl | true false |
Whether the page the feed is on is using SSL (https://) | 'ssl' => true, |
Ajax | ajax | true false |
Whether or not the Custom Facebook Feed content is being loaded in via Ajax by your website | 'ajax' => true, |
General Styling | ||||
Feed width | width | Any number + unit | The width of the feed container (including the unit) | 'width' => '500px', 'width' => '50%', |
Feed height | height | Any number + unit | The height of the feed container (including the unit) | 'height' => '500px', |
Feed padding | padding | Any number + unit | The padding applied to the feed container (including the unit) | 'padding' => '20px', 'padding' => '5%', |
Background color | bgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the feed (not including the #) | 'bgcolor' => 'FF0000', |
Disable Lightbox | disablelightbox | true false |
Disable the popup photo/video lightbox | 'disablelightbox' => true, |
CSS class | class | Any text string (may include dashes or underscores, but no spaces) | The CSS class to be added to the feed’s container | 'class' => 'myFeed', |
Feed Columns (Does not apply to “grid” feed layouts) | ||||
Number of columns | cols | 1-6 | The number of columns for the feed for desktop. Note: This setting does not apply to feeds which already use a grid layout, such as photo, album, and video feeds. To control the number of columns in those feeds use the photocols , albumcols , and videocols settings. |
'cols' => 3, |
Number of columns for mobile | mobilecols | 1-2 | The number of columns for the feed on mobile displays | 'mobilecols' => 2, |
Post Types | ||||
Post type | type | events links photos videos albums status or statuses |
The types of posts you want to display |
'type' => 'events,status,links', |
Post Type: Events – the options below only apply when showing only the Events post type | ||||
Event source | eventsource | eventspage timeline |
Whether to display your events from your Facebook Events page or from the timeline | 'eventsource' => 'eventspage', |
Past Events | pastevents | true false |
Whether to display past events from your Facebook page (only applies when only displaying the events post type) | 'pastevents' => true, |
Event time offset | eventoffset | Any number | The number of hours to continuing showing events for after the start time of the event has passed (only applies when only displaying the events post type) | 'eventoffset' => 72, |
Event image size | eventimage | full cropped |
Whether to display full sized event images or square cropped versions. This only applies when showing events only from your Events page (not from your timeline) | 'eventimage' => 'cropped', |
‘No upcoming Events’ text | noeventstext | Any text string | The text to display when there are no upcoming events to display | 'noeventstext' => "More events coming soon", |
‘Interested’ text | interestedtext | Any text string | The text to display to show how many people are interested in an event | 'interestedtext' => "interested", |
‘Going’ text | goingtext | Any text string | The text to display to show how many people are going to an event | 'goingtext' => "going", |
‘Buy Tickets’ text | buyticketstext | Any text string | The text to display for the “Buy Tickets” link | 'buyticketstext' => "Tickets", |
Post Type: Albums – the options below only apply when showing only the Albums post type | ||||
Album source | albumsource | photospage timeline |
Whether to display your albums from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the albums post type) | 'albumsource' => 'photospage', |
Show album title | showalbumtitle | true false |
Whether to display the album title when displaying only the Albums post type | 'showalbumtitle' => 'true', |
Show album number | showalbumnum | true false |
Whether to display the album number when displaying only the Albums post type | 'showalbumnum' => true, |
Number of columns in album grid | albumcols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display albums in when displaying only the Albums post type | 'albumcols' => '3', |
Post Type: Photos – the options below only apply when showing only the Photos post type | ||||
Photos source | photosource | photospage timeline |
Whether to display your photos from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the photos post type) | 'photosource' => 'photospage', |
Number of columns in photos grid | photocols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display photos in when displaying only the Photos post type | 'photocols' => '3', |
Post Type: Videos – the options below only apply when showing only the Videos post type | ||||
Video source | videosource | videospage timeline |
Whether to display your videos from your Facebook Videos page/album or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the videos post type) | 'videosource' => 'videospage', |
Show video name | showvideoname | true false |
Whether to display the video name when displaying only the Videos post type | 'showvideoname' => true, |
Show video description | showvideodesc | true false |
Whether to display the video description when displaying only the Videos post type | 'showvideodesc' => true, |
Number of columns in video grid | videocols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display videos in when displaying only the Videos post type | 'videocols' => 3, |
Display video playlist | playlist | Playlist ID (numeric) | The ID of the playlist you want to display. This can be found in the video URL after the “vl.”, eg: /videos/vl.1234567890/ |
'playlist' => '1234567890', |
Load More button | ||||
Show Load More button | loadmore | true false |
Whether to show the Load More button at the bottom of the feed | 'loadmore' => false, |
Button background color | buttoncolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the Load More button (not including the #) | 'buttoncolor' => 'ff0000', |
Button hover color | buttonhovercolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the Load More button when hovered upon (not including the #) | 'buttonhovercolor' => '333333', |
Button hover color | buttontextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the Load More button (not including the #) | 'buttontextcolor' => 'CCCCCC', |
‘Load More’ button text | buttontext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Load More’ text | 'buttontext' => 'More..', |
Lightbox | ||||
Disable Lightbox | disablelightbox | true false |
Disable the popup photo/video lightbox | 'disablelightbox' => true, |
Lightbox background color | lightboxbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxbgcolor' => 'CCCCCC', |
Lightbox text color | lightboxtextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxtextcolor' => '333333', |
Lightbox link color | lightboxlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxlinkcolor' => '9a33bf', |
Display comments in the lightbox | lightboxcomments | true false |
Whether to the display post comments in the popup lightbox (works for timeline posts only) | 'lightboxcomments' => 'true', |
Filter by String | ||||
Filter | filter | any text string or hashtag | Only show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas |
'filter' => 'website', 'filter' => '#wordpress,#events', |
Exclude Filter | exfilter | any text string or hashtag | Do not show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas | 'exfilter' => '#dontshowthis', exfilter='cats,dogs,chickens' |
Post Layout | ||||
Post layout | layout | thumb half full |
The post layout you want to use |
'layout' => 'thumb', |
Photo/Video Position | mediaposition | ‘above’ ‘below’ |
Whether to display the photo or video above or below the post text. Only applies to the Full-width layout. | 'mediaposition' => 'above', |
Always use the Full-width layout when feed is narrow? | enablenarrow | true false |
When displaying posts in either a narrow column or on a mobile device the plugin will automatically default to using the ‘Full-width’ layout as it’s better suited to narrow sizes. | 'enablenarrow' => false, |
Only show one image per post | oneimage | true false |
If a Facebook post contains more than photo then enabling this setting means that only the first photo in the post is displayed. | 'oneimage' => true, |
Include in post | include | text desc sharedlinks date media eventtitle eventdetails social link likebox |
The parts of the post you want to include (when applicable) |
'include' => 'media,date,likebox', |
Exclude from post | exclude | author text desc sharedlinks date media eventtitle eventdetails social link likebox |
The parts of the post you want to exclude (when applicable) | 'exclude' => 'social,link,likebox', |
Post Styling | ||||
Post Style | poststyle | regular boxed |
Choose from either a regular post style or a “boxed” style with a background color and/or box-shadow applied | 'poststyle' => 'boxed', |
Box Shadow | boxshadow | true false |
Apply a subtle box shadow to the “boxed” post style | 'boxshadow' => 'true', |
Post background color | postbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of each individual Facebook post (not including the #) | 'postbgcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Post corner radius | postcorners | Any number (not including a unit) | The radius of the rounded corners on a post (not including px) | 'postcorners' => '10', |
Post separating line color | sepcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the line separating the posts | 'sepcolor' => 'CFCFCF', |
Post separating line size | sepsize | Any number – unit | The thickness in pixels of the line separating the posts | 'sepsize' => '3', |
Typography | ||||
Feed Header | ||||
Show the feed header | showheader | true false |
Whether to display a customizable header at the top of the feed | 'showheader' => true, |
Display header outside/inside | headeroutside | true false |
Whether to display the feed header inside or outside of the feed’s container | 'headeroutside' => true, |
Header text | headertext | Any text string | The text to display in the header | 'headertext' => 'Facebook Feed', |
Header background color | headerbg | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the feed header (not including the #) | 'headerbg' => 'DDD', |
Header padding | headerpadding | Any number + unit | The padding applied to the feed header (including the unit) | 'headerpadding' => '20px', |
Header text size | headertextsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the header text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'headertextsize' => '28', |
Header text weight | headertextweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the header text | 'headertextweight' => 'bold', |
Header text color | headertextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the feed header (not including the #) | 'headertextcolor' => '333', |
Header icon | headericon | facebook-square calendar calendar-o picture-o users thumbs-o-up thumbs-up comment-o comment ticket list-alt file file-o file-text file-text-o youtube-play youtube vimeo-square |
The icon to use in the feed header | 'headericon' => 'facebook', |
Header icon color | headericoncolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the icon in the feed header (not including the #) | 'headericoncolor' => 'FFF', |
Icon size | headericonsize | Any number – unit | The size of the header icon in pixels (not including a unit) | 'headericonsize' => '28', |
Post Author | ||||
Author text size | authorsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the author text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'authorsize' => '20', |
Author text color | authorcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the author text (not including the #) | 'authorcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Post Text | ||||
Maximum post text length | textlength | Any number | The maximum character length of the post text | 'textlength' => '200', |
Post text format | textformat | Any HTML tag | The HTML tag that the post text should be wrapped in | 'textformat' => 'p', 'textformat' => 'h4', |
Post text font size | textsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the post text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'textsize' => '12', |
Post text weight | textweight | inherit normal bold |
The weight of the post text | 'textweight' => 'bold', |
Post text color | textcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the post text (not including the #) | 'textcolor' => '333', |
Link color | textlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the post text (not including the #) | 'textlinkcolor' => 'E69100', |
Link post text | textlink | true false |
Whether to link the post text to the post on Facebook | 'textlink' => true, |
Post tags | posttags | true false |
Whether to link @tags in your posts | 'posttags' => false, |
Link hash tags | linkhashtags | true false |
Whether to link hashtags in your posts | 'linkhashtags' => false, |
Photo/Video/Link Description | ||||
Description maximum length | desclength | Any number | The maximum character length of the description | 'desclength' => '150', |
Description font size | descsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the descriptions in pixels (not including a unit) | 'descsize' => '11', |
Description text weight | descweight | inherit normal bold |
The weight of the description | 'descweight' => 'bold', |
Description color | desccolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the description (not including the #) | 'desccolor' => '9F9F9F', |
Use full-size link images | fulllinkimages | true false |
Whether to use full-size images for shared link posts instead of square cropped thumbnails. The size of the images will match the post layout that you selected (thumbnail, half width or full width) | 'fulllinkimages' => true, |
Shared Links | ||||
Link title format | linktitleformat | Any HTML tag | The HTML tag that the shared link title should be wrapped in | 'linktitleformat' => 'h4', |
Link title font size | linktitlesize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link title in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linktitlesize' => '18', |
Link title color | linktitlecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link title text (not including the #) | 'linktitlecolor' => 'ff0000', |
Link URL color | linkurlcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link URL (source) text (not including the #) | 'linkurlcolor' => '999999', |
Link URL font size | linkurlsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link title in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linkurlsize' => '12', |
Link description color | linkdesccolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link description text (not including the #) | 'linkdesccolor' => '999999', |
Link description font size | linkdescsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link description in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linkdescsize' => '12', |
Link box background color | linkbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the link box (not including the #) | 'linkbgcolor' => 'EEE', |
Link box border color | linkbordercolor | Color Hex code – # | The border color of the link box (not including the #) | 'linkbordercolor' => 'CCC', |
Remove the link box | disablelinkbox | true false |
Whether to hide the box around shared links | 'disablelinkbox' => true, |
Date | ||||
Date position | datepos | author above below |
Whether to position the post date directly beneath the post author, above the post text or below the post text at the bottom of the post | 'datepos' => 'below', |
Date size | datesize | Any number – unit | The font size of the date in pixels (not including a unit) | 'datesize' => '14', |
Date weight | dateweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the date | 'dateweight' => 'normal', |
Date color | datecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the date (not including the #) | 'datecolor' => 'EAD114', |
Date format | dateformat | Numbers 1 – 13 | The format that the date should be displayed in 1 = Posted 2 days ago 2 = July 25th, 5:30 pm 3 = July 25th 4 = Thu July 25th 5 = Thursday July 25th 6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017 7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30 pm 9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17 10 = 07.25.13 11 = 07/25/13 12 = 25.07.13 13 = 25/07/13 14 = 25-07-2017, 17:30 15 = 25th July 2017, 17:30 16 = 25 Jul 2017, 17:30 17 = Monday 25th July 2017, 17:30 18 = 07.25.16 – 17:30 19 = 25.07.16 – 17:30 |
'dateformat' => '3', |
Date custom format | datecustom | Any PHP date format | Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) | 'datecustom' => 'D M jS, Y', |
Text before date | beforedate | Any text string | The text you wish to display before the date | 'beforedate' => 'Posted on', |
Text after date | afterdate | Any text string | The text you wish to display after the date | 'afterdate' => 'by __', |
Event Title | ||||
Event title format | eventtitleformat | Any HTML format | The HTML tag that event titles should be wrapped in | 'eventtitleformat' => 'h5', |
Event title size | eventtitlesize | Any number – unit | The font size of event titles in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventtitlesize' => '12', |
Event title weight | eventtitleweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of event titles | 'eventtitleweight' => 'bold', |
Event title color | eventtitlecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of event titles (not including the #) | 'eventtitlecolor' => '666', |
Link event title | eventtitlelink | true false |
Whether to link the event title to the event on Facebook | 'eventtitlelink' => true, |
Event Date | ||||
Event date size | eventdatesize | Any number – unit | The font size of event date in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventdatesize' => '18', |
Event date weight | eventdateweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of event dates | 'eventdateweight' => 'bold', |
Event date color | eventdatecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of event dates (not including the #) | 'eventdatecolor' => 'EB6A00', |
Event date position | eventdatepos | below above |
Whether to position the event date above or below the event title | 'eventdatepos' => 'below', |
Event date format | eventdateformat | Numbers 1 – 13 | The format that the event date should be displayed in 1 = July 25, 2017, 5:30pm 2 = July 25th, 5:30pm 3 = 5:30pm – July 25th 4 = 5:30pm, July 25th 5 = Thursday July 25th – 5:30pm 6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017, 5:30PM 7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017, 5:30PM 8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30pm 9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17 10 = 07.25.17 – 5:30PM 11 = 07/25/17, 5:30pm 12 = 25.07.17 – 5:30PM 13 = 25/07/17, 5:30pm 14 = Jul 25, 5:30pm 15 = Jul 25, 17:30 16 = 25-07-2016, 17:30 17 = 25th July 2016, 17:30 18 = 25 Jul 2016, 17:30 19 = Monday 25th July 2016, 17:30 20 = 07.25.16 – 17:30 21 = 25.07.16 – 17:30 |
'eventdateformat' => '12', |
Event date custom format | eventdatecustom | Any PHP date format | Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) | 'eventdatecustom' => 'D M jS, Y', |
Event Details | ||||
Event details size | eventdetailssize | Any number – unit | The font size of the event details in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventdetailssize' => '13', |
Event details weight | eventdetailsweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the event details | 'eventdetailsweight' => 'bold', |
Event details color | eventdetailscolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the event details (not including the #) | 'eventdetailscolor' => 'FFF000', |
Event details link color | eventlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the event details (not including the #) | 'eventlinkcolor' => '333', |
Post Action Links | ||||
Link size | linksize | Any number – unit | The font size of the post link in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linksize' => '13', |
Link weight | linkweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the post link | 'linkweight' => 'bold', |
Link color | linkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the post link | 'linkcolor' => 'E01B5D', |
Show Facebook link | showfacebooklink | true false |
Whether to show the ‘View on Facebook’ link | 'showfacebooklink' => true, |
Facebook link text | facebooklinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘View on Facebook’ link text | 'facebooklinktext' => 'Read more...', |
Show Share link | showsharelink | true false |
Whether to show the ‘Share’ link | 'showsharelink' => true, |
Share link text | sharelinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Share’ link text | 'sharelinktext' => 'Share this post', |
Misc | ||||
Social – Like, shares and comments | ||||
Icon style | iconstyle | light dark |
Whether to use light or dark icons |
'iconstyle' => 'dark', |
Social text color | socialtextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the likes, shares and comments numbers, and the comments text (not including the #) |
'socialtextcolor' => 'FFF', |
Social background color | socialbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the likes, shares and comments box, and the slide down comments box (not including the #) |
'socialbgcolor' => '111', |
Social link color | sociallinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the likes, shares and comments box | 'sociallinkcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Expand comments initially | expandcomments | true false |
Whether to expand the comments below the posts initially | 'expandcomments' => true, |
Number of initial comments | commentsnum | Any number (max 25) | The number of comments to show initially when the comments box is expanded | 'commentsnum' => '1', |
Hide the comment images | hidecommentimages | true false |
Whether to the hide the profile pictures of the commenters on each post | 'hidecommentimages' => true, |
Display comments in the lightbox | lightboxcomments | true false |
Whether to the display post comments in the popup lightbox (works for timeline posts only) | 'lightboxcomments' => true, |
Like Box / Page Plugin | ||||
Like box position | likeboxpos | top bottom |
Whether to display the Facebook Like box at the top or bottom of the feed | 'likeboxpos' => 'top', |
Like box outside/inside | likeboxoutside | true false |
Whether to display the Facebook Like box inside or outside of the feed’s container |
'likeboxoutside' => true, |
Use a small header | likeboxsmallheader | true false |
Whether to use a slim/small version of the Like Box header | 'likeboxsmallheader' => true, |
Hide the call to action button | likeboxhidebtn | true false |
Whether to hide the call-to-action button in the Like Box (if available) | 'likeboxhidebtn' => true, |
Custom Like box width | likeboxwidth | Any number + unit | The width of the Like box (including ‘px’ or ‘%’) | 'likeboxwidth' => '300px', |
Show Like box Faces | likeboxfaces | true false |
Whether to show the avatars of people who like your page | 'likeboxfaces' => true, |
Include your Cover photo | likeboxcover | true false |
Whether to use your Facebook page Cover photo as the background of the Like Box | 'likeboxcover' => true, |
Misc | ||||
Lightbox Video player | videoplayer | facebook standard |
The video player to use for playing videos. The official Facebook Video Player (supports HD, Live, and 360o videos) or the browser’s HTML5 video player. | 'videoplayer' => 'facebook', |
Video action | videoaction | playvideo |
When clicking on a non-embedded video define whether to play the video directly in your feed, or link to the video on Facebook to play the video there |
'videoaction' => 'facebook', |
Post image size | postimagesize | small large |
Facebook only provides two image sizes for posts; 130px or 720px. By default, the plugin uses the 720px image size but this can be changed using this setting. Applies to timeline feeds only. | 'postimagesize' => 'large', |
Show credit link | credit | true false |
Choose whether to add a ‘Custom Facebook Feed’ link to the bottom of your feed | 'credit' => true, |
Nofollow links | nofollow | true false |
Whether to add ‘rel=”nofollow”‘ to all links. Default is set to true. | 'nofollow' => false, |
Disable SVG icons | disablesvgs | true false |
Disables the SVG icons added in v3.7 and uses the old icons instead | 'disablesvgs' => true, |
Restricted Facebook page | restrictedpage | true false |
Only enable this if your Facebook page has either age or country restrictions on it. | 'restrictedpage' => true, |
Custom Text / Translate | ||||
Post Text | ||||
See More | seemoretext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘See More’ text. Used when truncating the post text. | 'seemoretext' => 'Expand', |
See Less | seelesstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘See Less’ text. Used when truncating the post text. | 'seelesstext' => 'Hide', |
Event Details | ||||
Buy Tickets | buyticketstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Buy Tickets’ text. Added at the bottom of an event (when applicable). | 'buyticketstext' => 'Purchase Tix', |
Map | maptext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Map’ text. Added after the address of an event (when applicable). | 'maptext' => 'Get directions', |
Link to Facebook | ||||
View on Facebook | facebooklinktext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘View on Facebook’ text. Links to the post on Facebook. | 'facebooklinktext' => 'Comment on Facebook', |
Share link text | sharelinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Share’ link text | 'sharelinktext' => 'Share this post', |
Call-to-action buttons | ||||
‘Learn More’ text | learnmoretext | Any text string | Used for the Learn More call-to-action button | 'learnmoretext' => "Learn More", |
‘Shop Now’ text | shopnowtext | Any text string | Used for the Shop Now call-to-action button | 'shopnowtext' => "Shop Now", |
‘Message Page’ text | messagepage | Any text string | Used for the Message Page call-to-action button | 'messagepage' => "Message Page", |
“Load More” button | ||||
‘Load More’ text | buttontext | Any text string | Used for the Load More button at the bottom of the feed | 'buttontext' => "More..", |
‘No more posts’ text | nomoretext | Any text string | Displayed when there are no more posts available to load | 'nomoretext' => "That's all folks", |
Likes, Shares and Comments | ||||
View previous comments | previouscommentstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘View previous comments’ text. Used in the comments section (when applicable). | 'previouscommentstext' => 'Older comments', |
Comment on Facebook | commentonfacebooktext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Comment on Facebook’ text. Used at the bottom of the comments section. | 'commentonfacebooktext' => 'Comment', |
photos | photostext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘photos’ text. Added to the end of an album name. Eg. (6 photos). | 'photostext' => 'fotos', |
like this | likethistext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘like this’ text. Eg. __ and __ like this. | 'likethistext' => 'como este', |
likes this | likesthistext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘likes this’ text. Eg. __ likes this. | 'likesthistext' => 'le gusta esto', |
and | andtext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘and’ text. Eg. __ and __ like this. | 'andtext' => 'y', |
other | othertext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘other’ text. Eg. __, __ and 1 other like this. | 'othertext' => 'otro', |
others | otherstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘others’ text. Eg. __, __ and 2 others like this. | 'otherstext' => 'otros', |
Date | ||||
second | second | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘second’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ second ago” date text. | 'second' => 'segundo', |
seconds | seconds | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘seconds’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ seconds ago” date text. | 'seconds' => 'segundo', |
minute | minute | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘minute’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minute ago” date text. | 'minute' => 'minuto', |
minutes | minutes | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘minutes’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minutes ago” date text. | 'minutes' => 'minutos', |
hour | hour | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘hour’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ hour ago” date text. | 'hour' => 'hora', |
hours | hours | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘hours’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ hours ago” date text. | 'hours' => 'horas', |
day | day | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘day’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ day ago” date text. | 'day' => 'dÃa', |
days | days | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘days’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ days ago” date text. | ‘days’ => ‘dÃa’, |
week | week | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘week’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ week ago” date text. | 'week' => 'semana', |
weeks | weeks | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘weeks’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ weeks ago” date text. | 'weeks' => 'semanas', |
month | month | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘month’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ month ago” date text. | 'month' => 'mes', |
months | months | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘months’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ months ago” date text. | 'months' => 'mes', |
year | year | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘year’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ year ago” date text. | 'year' => 'año', |
years | years | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘years’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ years ago” date text. | 'years' => 'años', |
ago | ago | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘ago’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minutes ago” date text. | 'ago' => 'hace', |
Extensions | ||||
Multifeed | id | Facebook Page IDs | The Page IDs of the Facebook Pages you want to display, separated by commas | 'id' => 'smashballoon,nba,gopro', |
Album | album | Any Facebook Album ID | The ID of the Facebook album you want to embed | 'album' => '10152751542137217', |