It’s possible to use the core Custom Facebook Feed plugin to display posts from different Facebook pages in different feeds, but in order to merge posts from different Facebook pages into one single feed you would need to add our Multifeed Extension. It allows you to do just that – merging posts from multiple sources into one single Facebook feed with posts mixed together and ordered by date.
Learn more about our products
Facebook Feed Pro
Seamlessly integrate Facebook content into your website.
Instagram Feed Pro
Display completely customizable Instagram feeds on your website.
Twitter Feed Pro
Seamlessly integrate Twitter content into your website.
YouTube Feed Pro
Display completely customizable YouTube feeds on your website.
TikTok Feed Pro
Seamlessly integrate TikTok content into your website.
Reviews Feed Pro
Build brand trust with positive reviews from Google and more.
Social Wall
Use our Social Wall aggregator plugin to combine all your channels into one engaging social media wall.