PHP Standalone Settings Reference
Below is a list of optional settings you can use to customize your feed.
Name | Setting | Options | Description | Example |
Settings | ||||
Page ID | id | Your Page ID | The Page ID of the Facebook Page you want to display | 'id' => 'smashballoon', |
Page Type | pagetype | page | Whether to display posts from a Facebook Page or Group. To display a feed from a group please see this page. | pagetype=page pagetype=group |
Number of posts | number | Any number | The number of posts you wish to display | 'number'Â => '5', |
Post limit | limit | Any number | Define the number of posts retrieved from the Facebook API | 'limit' => '25', |
Post offset | offset | Any number less than the number of posts you’re displaying | The number of posts to offset the feed by. For example, an offset of 2 would start the feed at the third post. | 'offset' => '1', |
Show posts by | showpostsby | me others onlyothers |
Select whether to show posts by only the page owner, anyone who posts on your page, or only others who post on your page. | 'showpostsby' => 'others', |
Caching type | cachetype | background page |
Whether to check for new posts in the background or when the page loads | 'cachetype' => 'background', |
Caching time | cachetime | Any number | Define the amount of time to cache posts for before checking Facebook for new ones (the unit of time can be set using the ‘cacheunit’ option described below) | 'cachetime' => 5, |
Caching unit of time | cacheunit | minutes hours days |
Select the unit of time for cachine (the amount time can be set using the ‘cachetime’ option described above | 'cacheunit' => 'hours', |
Locale | locale | en_US es_ES fr_FR de_DE etc… |
Define the language that the Like box should be localized to | 'locale' => 'es_ES', |
SSL | Â ssl | true false |
Whether the page the feed is on is using SSL (https://) | 'ssl' => true, |
Ajax | ajax | true false |
Whether or not the Custom Facebook Feed content is being loaded in via Ajax by your website | 'ajax' => true, |
General Styling | ||||
Feed width | width | Any number + unit | The width of the feed container (including the unit) | 'width' => '500px', 'width' => '50%', |
Feed height | height | Any number + unit | The height of the feed container (including the unit) | 'height' => '500px', |
Feed padding | padding | Any number + unit | The padding applied to the feed container (including the unit) | 'padding' => '20px', 'padding' => '5%', |
Background color | bgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the feed (not including the #) | 'bgcolor' => 'FF0000', |
Disable Lightbox | disablelightbox | true false |
Disable the popup photo/video lightbox | 'disablelightbox' => true, |
CSS class | class | Any text string (may include dashes or underscores, but no spaces) | The CSS class to be added to the feed’s container | 'class' => 'myFeed', |
Feed Columns | cols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display a timeline feed in | 'cols' => '3', |
Post Types | ||||
Post type | type | events links photos videos albums status or statuses |
The types of posts you want to display |
'type' => 'events,status,links', |
Post Type: Events – the options below only apply when showing only the Events post type | ||||
Event source | eventsource | eventspage timeline |
Whether to display your events from your Facebook Events page or from the timeline | 'eventsource' => 'eventspage', |
Past Events | pastevents | true false |
Whether to display past events from your Facebook page (only applies when only displaying the events post type) | 'pastevents' => true, |
Event time offset | eventoffset | Any number | The number of hours to continuing showing events for after the start time of the event has passed (only applies when only displaying the events post type) | 'eventoffset' => 72, |
Event image size | eventimage | full cropped |
Whether to display full sized event images or square cropped versions. This only applies when showing events only from your Events page (not from your timeline) | 'eventimage' => 'cropped', |
‘No upcoming Events’ text | noeventstext | Any text string | The text to display when there are no upcoming events to display | 'noeventstext' => "More events coming soon", |
‘Interested’ text | interestedtext | Any text string | The text to display to show how many people are interested in an event | 'interestedtext' => "interested", |
‘Going’ text | goingtext | Any text string | The text to display to show how many people are going to an event | 'goingtext' => "going", |
‘Buy Tickets’ text | buyticketstext | Any text string | The text to display for the “Buy Tickets” link | 'buyticketstext' => "Tickets", |
Post Type: Albums – the options below only apply when showing only the Albums post type | ||||
Album source | albumsource | photospage timeline |
Whether to display your albums from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the albums post type) | 'albumsource' => 'photospage', |
Show album title | showalbumtitle | true false |
Whether to display the album title when displaying only the Albums post type | 'showalbumtitle' => 'true', |
Show album number | showalbumnum | true false |
Whether to display the album number when displaying only the Albums post type | 'showalbumnum' => true, |
Number of columns in album grid | albumcols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display albums in when displaying only the Albums post type | 'albumcols' => '3', |
Post Type: Photos – the options below only apply when showing only the Photos post type | ||||
Photos source | photosource | photospage timeline |
Whether to display your photos from your Facebook Photos page or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the photos post type) | 'photosource' => 'photospage', |
Number of columns in photos grid | photocols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display photos in when displaying only the Photos post type | 'photocols' => '3', |
Post Type: Videos – the options below only apply when showing only the Videos post type | ||||
Video source | videosource | videospage timeline |
Whether to display your videos from your Facebook Videos page/album or from the timeline (only applies when only displaying the videos post type) | 'videosource' => 'videospage', |
Show video name | showvideoname | true false |
Whether to display the video name when displaying only the Videos post type | 'showvideoname' => true, |
Show video description | showvideodesc | true false |
Whether to display the video description when displaying only the Videos post type | 'showvideodesc' => true, |
Number of columns in video grid | videocols | 1-8 | The number of columns to display videos in when displaying only the Videos post type | 'videocols' => 3, |
Display video playlist | playlist | Playlist ID (numeric) | The ID of the playlist you want to display. This can be found in the video URL after the “vl.”, eg: /videos/vl.1234567890/ |
'playlist' => '1234567890', |
Load More button | ||||
Show Load More button | loadmore | true false |
Whether to show the Load More button at the bottom of the feed | 'loadmore' => false, |
Button background color | buttoncolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the Load More button (not including the #) | 'buttoncolor' => 'ff0000', |
Button hover color | buttonhovercolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the Load More button when hovered upon (not including the #) | 'buttonhovercolor' => '333333', |
Button hover color | buttontextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the Load More button (not including the #) | 'buttontextcolor' => 'CCCCCC', |
‘Load More’ button text | buttontext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Load More’ text | 'buttontext' => 'More..', |
Lightbox | ||||
Disable Lightbox | disablelightbox | true false |
Disable the popup photo/video lightbox | 'disablelightbox' => true, |
Lightbox background color | lightboxbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxbgcolor' => 'CCCCCC', |
Lightbox text color | lightboxtextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxtextcolor' => '333333', |
Lightbox link color | lightboxlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the lightbox sidebar (not including the #) | 'lightboxlinkcolor' => '9a33bf', |
Display comments in the lightbox | lightboxcomments | true false |
Whether to the display post comments in the popup lightbox (works for timeline posts only) | 'lightboxcomments' => 'true', |
Filter by String | ||||
Filter | filter | any text string or hashtag | Only show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas |
'filter' => 'website', 'filter' => '#wordpress,#events', |
Exclude Filter | exfilter | any text string or hashtag | Do not show posts containing the defined string. Separate multiple strings with commas | 'exfilter' => '#dontshowthis', exfilter='cats,dogs,chickens' |
Post Layout | ||||
Post layout | layout | thumb half full |
The post layout you want to use |
'layout' => 'thumb', |
Photo/Video Position | mediaposition | ‘above’ ‘below’ |
Whether to display the photo or video above or below the post text. Only applies to the Full-width layout. | 'mediaposition' => 'above', |
Always use the Full-width layout when feed is narrow? | enablenarrow | true false |
When displaying posts in either a narrow column or on a mobile device the plugin will automatically default to using the ‘Full-width’ layout as it’s better suited to narrow sizes. | 'enablenarrow' => false, |
Only show one image per post | oneimage | true false |
If a Facebook post contains more than photo then enabling this setting means that only the first photo in the post is displayed. | 'oneimage' => true, |
Include in post | include | text desc sharedlinks date media eventtitle eventdetails social link likebox |
The parts of the post you want to include (when applicable) |
'include' => 'media,date,likebox', |
Exclude from post | exclude | author text desc sharedlinks date media eventtitle eventdetails social link likebox |
The parts of the post you want to exclude (when applicable) | 'exclude' => 'social,link,likebox', |
Post Styling | ||||
Post Style | poststyle | regular boxed |
Choose from either a regular post style or a “boxed” style with a background color and/or box-shadow applied | 'poststyle' => 'boxed', |
Box Shadow | boxshadow | true false |
Apply a subtle box shadow to the “boxed” post style | 'boxshadow' => 'true', |
Post background color | postbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of each individual Facebook post (not including the #) | 'postbgcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Post corner radius | postcorners | Any number (not including a unit) | The radius of the rounded corners on a post (not including px) | 'postcorners' => '10', |
Post separating line color | sepcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the line separating the posts | 'sepcolor' => 'CFCFCF', |
Post separating line size | sepsize | Any number – unit | The thickness in pixels of the line separating the posts | 'sepsize' => '3', |
Typography | ||||
Feed Header | ||||
Show the feed header | showheader | true false |
Whether to display a customizable header at the top of the feed | 'showheader' => true, |
Display header outside/inside | headeroutside | true false |
Whether to display the feed header inside or outside of the feed’s container | 'headeroutside' => true, |
Header text | headertext | Any text string | The text to display in the header | 'headertext' => 'Facebook Feed', |
Header background color | headerbg | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the feed header (not including the #) | 'headerbg' => 'DDD', |
Header padding | headerpadding | Any number + unit | The padding applied to the feed header (including the unit) | 'headerpadding' => '20px', |
Header text size | headertextsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the header text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'headertextsize' => '28', |
Header text weight | headertextweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the header text | 'headertextweight' => 'bold', |
Header text color | headertextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the feed header (not including the #) | 'headertextcolor' => '333', |
Header icon | headericon |  facebook-square  facebook  calendar  calendar-o  picture-o  users  thumbs-o-up  thumbs-up  comment-o  comment  ticket  list-alt  file  file-o  file-text  file-text-o  youtube-play  youtube  vimeo-square |
The icon to use in the feed header | 'headericon' => 'facebook', |
Header icon color | headericoncolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the icon in the feed header (not including the #) | 'headericoncolor' => 'FFF', |
Icon size | headericonsize | Any number – unit | The size of the header icon in pixels (not including a unit) | 'headericonsize' => '28', |
Post Author | ||||
Author text size | authorsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the author text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'authorsize' => '20', |
Author text color | authorcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the author text (not including the #) | 'authorcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Post Text | ||||
Maximum post text length | textlength | Any number | The maximum character length of the post text | 'textlength' => '200', |
Post text format | textformat | Any HTML tag | The HTML tag that the post text should be wrapped in | 'textformat' => 'p', 'textformat' => 'h4', |
Post text font size | textsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the post text in pixels (not including a unit) | 'textsize' => '12', |
Post text weight | textweight | inherit normal bold |
The weight of the post text | 'textweight' => 'bold', |
Post text color | textcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the post text (not including the #) | 'textcolor' => '333', |
Link color | textlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the post text (not including the #) | 'textlinkcolor' => 'E69100', |
Link post text | textlink | true false |
Whether to link the post text to the post on Facebook | 'textlink' => true, |
Post tags | posttags | true false |
Whether to link @tags in your posts | 'posttags' => false, |
Link hash tags | linkhashtags | true false |
Whether to link hashtags in your posts | 'linkhashtags' => false, |
Photo/Video/Link Description | ||||
Description maximum length | desclength | Any number | The maximum character length of the description | 'desclength' => '150', |
Description font size | descsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the descriptions in pixels (not including a unit) | 'descsize' => '11', |
Description text weight | descweight | inherit normal bold |
The weight of the description | 'descweight' => 'bold', |
Description color | desccolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the description (not including the #) | 'desccolor' => '9F9F9F', |
Use full-size link images | fulllinkimages | true false |
Whether to use full-size images for shared link posts instead of square cropped thumbnails. The size of the images will match the post layout that you selected (thumbnail, half width or full width) | 'fulllinkimages' => true, |
Shared Links | ||||
Link title format | linktitleformat | Any HTML tag | The HTML tag that the shared link title should be wrapped in | 'linktitleformat' => 'h4', |
Link title font size | linktitlesize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link title in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linktitlesize' => '18', |
Link title color | linktitlecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link title text (not including the #) | 'linktitlecolor' => 'ff0000', |
Link URL color | linkurlcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link URL (source) text (not including the #) | 'linkurlcolor' => '999999', |
Link URL font size | linkurlsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link title in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linkurlsize' => '12', |
Link description color | linkdesccolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the link description text (not including the #) | 'linkdesccolor' => '999999', |
Link description font size | linkdescsize | Any number – unit | The font size of the link description in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linkdescsize' => '12', |
Link box background color | linkbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the link box (not including the #) | 'linkbgcolor' => 'EEE', |
Link box border color | linkbordercolor | Color Hex code – # | The border color of the link box (not including the #) | 'linkbordercolor' => 'CCC', |
Remove the link box | disablelinkbox | true false |
Whether to hide the box around shared links | 'disablelinkbox' => true, |
Date | ||||
Date position | datepos | author above below |
Whether to position the post date directly beneath the post author, above the post text or below the post text at the bottom of the post | 'datepos' => 'below', |
Date size | datesize | Any number – unit | The font size of the date in pixels (not including a unit) | 'datesize' => '14', |
Date weight | dateweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the date | 'dateweight' => 'normal', |
Date color | datecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the date (not including the #) | 'datecolor' => 'EAD114', |
Date format | dateformat | Numbers 1 – 13 | The format that the date should be displayed in 1 = Posted 2 days ago 2 = July 25th, 5:30 pm 3 = July 25th 4 = Thu July 25th 5 = Thursday July 25th 6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017 7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30 pm 9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17 10 = 07.25.13 11 = 07/25/13 12 = 25.07.13 13 = 25/07/13 14 = 25-07-2017, 17:30 15 = 25th July 2017, 17:30 16 = 25 Jul 2017, 17:30 17 = Monday 25th July 2017, 17:30 18 = 07.25.16 – 17:30 19 = 25.07.16 – 17:30 |
'dateformat' => '3', |
Date custom format | datecustom | Any PHP date format | Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) | 'datecustom' => 'D M jS, Y', |
Text before date | beforedate | Any text string | The text you wish to display before the date | 'beforedate' => 'Posted on', |
Text after date | afterdate | Any text string | The text you wish to display after the date | 'afterdate' => 'by __', |
Event Title | ||||
Event title format | eventtitleformat | Any HTML format | The HTML tag that event titles should be wrapped in | 'eventtitleformat' => 'h5', |
Event title size | eventtitlesize | Any number – unit | The font size of event titles in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventtitlesize' => '12', |
Event title weight | eventtitleweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of event titles | 'eventtitleweight' => 'bold', |
Event title color | eventtitlecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of event titles (not including the #) | 'eventtitlecolor' => '666', |
Link event title | eventtitlelink | true false |
Whether to link the event title to the event on Facebook | 'eventtitlelink' => true, |
Event Date | ||||
Event date size | eventdatesize | Any number – unit | The font size of event date in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventdatesize' => '18', |
Event date weight | eventdateweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of event dates | 'eventdateweight' => 'bold', |
Event date color | eventdatecolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of event dates (not including the #) | 'eventdatecolor' => 'EB6A00', |
Event date position | eventdatepos | below above |
Whether to position the event date above or below the event title | 'eventdatepos' => 'below', |
Event date format | eventdateformat | Numbers 1 – 13 | The format that the event date should be displayed in 1 = July 25, 2017, 5:30pm 2 = July 25th, 5:30pm 3 = 5:30pm – July 25th 4 = 5:30pm, July 25th 5 = Thursday July 25th – 5:30pm 6 = Thu Jul 25th, 2017, 5:30PM 7 = Thursday July 25th, 2017, 5:30PM 8 = Thursday July 25th, 2017 – 5:30pm 9 = Thursday Jul 25th, ’17 10 = 07.25.17 – 5:30PM 11 = 07/25/17, 5:30pm 12 = 25.07.17 – 5:30PM 13 = 25/07/17, 5:30pm 14 = Jul 25, 5:30pm 15 = Jul 25, 17:30 16 = 25-07-2016, 17:30 17 = 25th July 2016, 17:30 18 = 25 Jul 2016, 17:30 19 = Monday 25th July 2016, 17:30 20 = 07.25.16 – 17:30 21 = 25.07.16 – 17:30 |
'eventdateformat' => '12', |
Event date custom format | eventdatecustom | Any PHP date format | Use a custom date format instead of the built-in options (reference) | 'eventdatecustom' => 'D M jS, Y', |
Event Details | ||||
Event details size | eventdetailssize | Any number – unit | The font size of the event details in pixels (not including a unit) | 'eventdetailssize' => '13', |
Event details weight | eventdetailsweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the event details | 'eventdetailsweight' => 'bold', |
Event details color | eventdetailscolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the event details (not including the #) | 'eventdetailscolor' => 'FFF000', |
Event details link color | eventlinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the event details (not including the #) | 'eventlinkcolor' => '333', |
Post Action Links | ||||
Link size | linksize | Any number – unit | The font size of the post link in pixels (not including a unit) | 'linksize' => '13', |
Link weight | linkweight | inherit normal bold |
The text weight of the post link | 'linkweight' => 'bold', |
Link color | linkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the post link | 'linkcolor' => 'E01B5D', |
Show Facebook link | showfacebooklink | true false |
Whether to show the ‘View on Facebook’ link | 'showfacebooklink' => true, |
Facebook link text | facebooklinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘View on Facebook’ link text | 'facebooklinktext' => 'Read more...', |
Show Share link | showsharelink | true false |
Whether to show the ‘Share’ link | 'showsharelink' => true, |
Share link text | sharelinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Share’ link text | 'sharelinktext' => 'Share this post', |
Misc | ||||
Social – Like, shares and comments | ||||
Icon style | iconstyle | light dark |
Whether to use light or dark icons |
'iconstyle' => 'dark', |
Social text color | socialtextcolor | Color Hex code – # | The text color of the likes, shares and comments numbers, and the comments text (not including the #) |
'socialtextcolor' => 'FFF', |
Social background color | socialbgcolor | Color Hex code – # | The background color of the likes, shares and comments box, and the slide down comments box (not including the #) |
'socialbgcolor' => '111', |
Social link color | sociallinkcolor | Color Hex code – # | The color of the links in the likes, shares and comments box | 'sociallinkcolor' => 'ff0000', |
Expand comments initially | expandcomments | true false |
Whether to expand the comments below the posts initially | 'expandcomments' => true, |
Number of initial comments | commentsnum | Any number (max 25) | The number of comments to show initially when the comments box is expanded | 'commentsnum' => '1', |
Hide the comment images | hidecommentimages | true false |
Whether to the hide the profile pictures of the commenters on each post | 'hidecommentimages' => true, |
Display comments in the lightbox | lightboxcomments | true false |
Whether to the display post comments in the popup lightbox (works for timeline posts only) | 'lightboxcomments' => true, |
Like Box / Page Plugin | ||||
Like box position | likeboxpos | top bottom |
Whether to display the Facebook Like box at the top or bottom of the feed | 'likeboxpos' => 'top', |
Like box outside/inside | likeboxoutside | true false |
Whether to display the Facebook Like box inside or outside of the feed’s container |
'likeboxoutside' => true, |
Use a small header | likeboxsmallheader | true false |
Whether to use a slim/small version of the Like Box header | 'likeboxsmallheader' => true, |
Hide the call to action button | likeboxhidebtn | true false |
Whether to hide the call-to-action button in the Like Box (if available) | 'likeboxhidebtn' => true, |
Custom Like box width | likeboxwidth | Any number + unit | The width of the Like box (including ‘px’ or ‘%’) | 'likeboxwidth' => '300px', |
Show Like box Faces | likeboxfaces | true false |
Whether to show the avatars of people who like your page | 'likeboxfaces' => true, |
Include your Cover photo | likeboxcover | true false |
Whether to use your Facebook page Cover photo as the background of the Like Box | 'likeboxcover' => true, |
Misc | ||||
Lightbox Video player | videoplayer | facebook standard |
The video player to use for playing videos. The official Facebook Video Player (supports HD, Live, and 360o videos) or the browser’s HTML5 video player. | 'videoplayer' => 'facebook', |
Video action | videoaction | playvideo |
When clicking on a non-embedded video define whether to play the video directly in your feed, or link to the video on Facebook to play the video there |
'videoaction' => 'facebook', |
Post image size | postimagesize | small large |
Facebook only provides two image sizes for posts; 130px or 720px. By default, the plugin uses the 720px image size but this can be changed using this setting. Applies to timeline feeds only. | 'postimagesize' => 'large', |
Show credit link | credit | true false |
Choose whether to add a ‘Custom Facebook Feed’ link to the bottom of your feed | 'credit' => true, |
Nofollow links | nofollow | true false |
Whether to add ‘rel=”nofollow”‘ to all links. Default is set to true. | 'nofollow' => false, |
Disable SVG icons | disablesvgs | true false |
Disables the SVG icons added in v3.7 and uses the old icons instead | 'disablesvgs' => true, |
Restricted Facebook page | restrictedpage | true false |
Only enable this if your Facebook page has either age or country restrictions on it. | 'restrictedpage' => true, |
Custom Text / Translate | ||||
Post Text | ||||
See More | seemoretext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘See More’ text. Used when truncating the post text. | 'seemoretext' => 'Expand', |
See Less | seelesstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘See Less’ text. Used when truncating the post text. | 'seelesstext' => 'Hide', |
Event Details | ||||
Buy Tickets | buyticketstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Buy Tickets’ text. Added at the bottom of an event (when applicable). | 'buyticketstext' => 'Purchase Tix', |
Map | maptext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Map’ text. Added after the address of an event (when applicable). | 'maptext' => 'Get directions', |
Link to Facebook | ||||
View on Facebook | facebooklinktext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘View on Facebook’ text. Links to the post on Facebook. | 'facebooklinktext' => 'Comment on Facebook', |
Share link text | sharelinktext | Any text | The text you wish to use in place of the ‘Share’ link text | 'sharelinktext' => 'Share this post', |
Call-to-action buttons | ||||
‘Learn More’ text | learnmoretext | Any text string | Used for the Learn More call-to-action button | 'learnmoretext' => "Learn More", |
‘Shop Now’ text | shopnowtext | Any text string | Used for the Shop Now call-to-action button | 'shopnowtext' => "Shop Now", |
‘Message Page’ text | messagepage | Any text string | Used for the Message Page call-to-action button | 'messagepage' => "Message Page", |
“Load More” button | ||||
‘Load More’ text | buttontext | Any text string | Used for the Load More button at the bottom of the feed | 'buttontext' => "More..", |
‘No more posts’ text | nomoretext | Any text string | Displayed when there are no more posts available to load | 'nomoretext' => "That's all folks", |
Likes, Shares and Comments | ||||
View previous comments | previouscommentstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘View previous comments’ text. Used in the comments section (when applicable). | 'previouscommentstext' => 'Older comments', |
Comment on Facebook | commentonfacebooktext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘Comment on Facebook’ text. Used at the bottom of the comments section. | 'commentonfacebooktext' => 'Comment', |
photos | photostext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘photos’ text. Added to the end of an album name. Eg. (6 photos). | 'photostext' => 'fotos', |
like this | likethistext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘like this’ text. Eg. __ and __ like this. | 'likethistext' => 'como este', |
likes this | likesthistext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘likes this’ text. Eg. __ likes this. | 'likesthistext' => 'le gusta esto', |
and | andtext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘and’ text. Eg. __ and __ like this. | 'andtext' => 'y', |
other | othertext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘other’ text. Eg. __, __ and 1 other like this. | 'othertext' => 'otro', |
others | otherstext | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘others’ text. Eg. __, __ and 2 others like this. | 'otherstext' => 'otros', |
Date | ||||
second | second | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘second’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ second ago” date text. | 'second' => 'segundo', |
seconds | seconds | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘seconds’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ seconds ago” date text. | 'seconds' => 'segundo', |
minute | minute | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘minute’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minute ago” date text. | 'minute' => 'minuto', |
minutes | minutes | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘minutes’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minutes ago” date text. | 'minutes' => 'minutos', |
hour | hour | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘hour’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ hour ago” date text. | 'hour' => 'hora', |
hours | hours | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘hours’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ hours ago” date text. | 'hours' => 'horas', |
day | day | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘day’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ day ago” date text. | 'day' => 'dÃa', |
days | days | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘days’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ days ago” date text. | ‘days’ => ‘dÃa’, |
week | week | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘week’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ week ago” date text. | 'week' => 'semana', |
weeks | weeks | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘weeks’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ weeks ago” date text. | 'weeks' => 'semanas', |
month | month | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘month’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ month ago” date text. | 'month' => 'mes', |
months | months | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘months’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ months ago” date text. | 'months' => 'mes', |
year | year | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘year’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ year ago” date text. | 'year' => 'año', |
years | years | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘years’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ years ago” date text. | 'years' => 'años', |
ago | ago | Any text string | The text to use in place of the ‘ago’ text. Used to translate the “Posted _ minutes ago” date text. | 'ago' => 'hace', |
Extensions | ||||
Multifeed | id | Facebook Page IDs | The Page IDs of the Facebook Pages you want to display, separated by commas | 'id' => 'smashballoon,nba,gopro', |
Album | album | Any Facebook Album ID | The ID of the Facebook album you want to embed | 'album' => '10152751542137217', |