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TikTok Feeds Change Log

= 1.4.0 January 28, 2025 =
* Fix: Compatibility updates for Social Wall. Use .mp4 videos instead of iframes. Also fixes an issue with loading more posts and visual issues with the feed layout.
* Fix: Fixed the image resizing process to be more reliable. Added a backup method for fixing missing video thumbnails.
* Tweak: Filtering logic is updated to OR instead of AND when using the feature that filters posts based on words or hashtags in the description.

= 1.3.1 November 19, 2024 =
* Tweak: Added support for our new [Feed Analytics]( product. Get insights as to how your feeds are being used by site visitors.

= 1.3.0 September 11, 2024 =
* New: Added support for an inline video player. Great for use cases where you want to display a video in a feed without opening a lightbox.
* New: Added support for a "gallery" layout for "Plus" and "Elite" tiers. Showcase videos in an inline player at the top of your feed with thumbnails below to select others.
* New: Added support for a "list" layout for "Plus" and "Elite" tiers. Show your TikToks in a clean single column widget where videos play inline.
* New: Integration with [WPCode]( to make managing JavaScript and CSS customizations simple.
* Fix: Fixed responsiveness for narrow width list and grid layouts.
* Fix: Fixed an issue preventing multiple sources from showing up in a feed when multiple sources were used.

= 1.2.0 June 20, 2024 =
* New: Replaced the iframe video player with a .mp4 video player. Your visitors will now have a clean, distraction free experience when watching videos.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the load more button to disappear before all posts were loaded on the page.
* Translations: Added translations for German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, French, Russian, Polish, and Portuguese.
* Translations: Added wpml-config.xml for WPML compatibility.

= 1.1.3 April 2, 2024 =
* Fix: Fixed the 403 error that was occurring when trying to connect a new source for some users.

= 1.1.2 March 8, 2024 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue preventing TikTok accounts from connecting to the plugin properly.

= 1.1.1 March 5, 2024 =
* New: Added compatibility with Thrive Architect.

= 1.1 January 31, 2024 =
* New: Added compatibility with [Social Wall](, a plugin that allows you to show a feed from multiple social media sources.

= 1.0.2 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause unlimited API requests to be made when cURL error occured.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the backup feed not to work in the event the access token had been invalidated and an API request was made.
* Fix: Fixed the layout of the lightbox and TikTok player for mobile devices to be wider and more user friendly.

= 1.0 =
* Launched TikTok Feeds Pro!

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