Set your feed to display posts only if they have a minimum amount of shares, likes, or shares and likes.
$('#cff .cff-item').each(function(){
$self = $(this);
var likes = parseInt($self.find('.cff-likes .cff-count').text()),
shares = parseInt($self.find('.cff-shares .cff-count').text());
if( likes < 100 || shares < 30) {
The red number is the minimum number of likes the post needs.
The blue number is the minimum number of shares the post needs.
The yellow symbol can be “||” or “&&”. Use “||” to hide posts that either have less than the minimum likes or less than the minimum shares. Use “&&” to hide posts with both less than the minimum likes and less than the minimum shares.
Note: “Likes” and “Shares” must be displayed or hidden and not removed for this code to work