Docs    Facebook    Customizations

Add an “Invite” link to the bottom of your events

Due to Facebook API limitations it’s not possible to add the actual functionality of the Invite button which you see on Facebook in your event, but you can add an invite link to the bottom of your events which will link users to the event on Facebook and allow them to invite other people from there. Just add the following JavaScript to your site. This can be done manually using a custom JavaScript plugin. For further information see our documentation here.

$('#cff .cff-event').each(function(){
  $self = $(this);
  $self.find('.cff-post-links').prepend('<a class="cff-viewpost" href="'+$self.find('.cff-viewpost').attr('href')+'" target="_blank">Invite</a><span class="cff-dot">·</span>');

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