Setting up the Free Custom Facebook Feed WordPress Plugin

Setting up the Free Custom Facebook Feed WordPress Plugin

1) Once you’ve installed the plugin click on the Facebook Feed item in your WordPress menu

Facebook Feed in WordPress menu


2) Click on the button labeled Connect a Facebook Account

Connect a Facebook Account


3) You will be redirected to Facebook and if you are not logged in then will be prompted to do so. Once logged in, follow the prompts by clicking the Continue button.


4) Facebook will then ask you to authorize our plugin to “manage your Pages”. Click OK.
Important: This does not allow our plugin to manage your page settings, edit, post to, or do anything else to your Facebook page. It simply allows the plugin to retrieve a “read-only” Access Token for your page which allows it to retrieve posts or other content you wish to display.
Note: If you plan to display feeds from more than one Facebook page, or use the plugin on other websites, then it is not advised that you use the “Chose what you allow” option, as doing so will prevent the plugin from being able to retrieve a token for other Facebook pages you manage either now or in the future.


5) A list of Facebook pages which you are an admin of will be displayed. Select a page and click “Connect this page”.
Note: You do not need to select the Facebook page that you want to display posts from. An Access Token from any Facebook page will work to display posts from any other Facebook page.

Select a Facebook page to connect


6) Click Save Settings

Save the changes


7) To display your feed simply add the

Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
3 months ago

Is your Facebook Business Page feeling a little... quiet? Don't worry, it happens to the best of us!

The good news? There are tons of ways to turn your page into a vibrant online community and attract tons of Likes and engagement!

Here are a couple of quick tips to get you started:

❇️ Craft a Memorable URL: Ditch the generic page name. Choose something catchy and easy to remember, so people can find you with ease!

❇️ Website Integration is Your BFF: Don't let your website visitors slip away! Integrate your Facebook Page seamlessly, so they can Like and follow you in just one click.

Our video dives deep with even more effective strategies! ⤵️
... See MoreSee Less

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1 CommentComment on Facebook

You do yourselves a huge disservice by constantly forcing your ad banner on the dashboards of users of your free version.

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shortcode to any page, post or widget, as shown below.

Using the shortcode in a WordPress widget

Using the shortcode in a Text widget

Using the shortcode in a WordPress page

Using the shortcode in a WordPress page

You can display multiple Facebook feeds on one page and specify options within the shortcode. Click here for a full list of shortcode options.


9) Navigate to the ‘Customize’ page to customize your feed.


If you have any issues setting up or using the plugin then check out our support section for solutions to common problems.  If you need help beyond that, then you can also open a support ticket either here on our website, or on